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Tag : Victoria

Victoria likely to have Treaty framework before election

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 12th October 2022 -  In an exclusive opinion column for Pro Bono News, Aunty Geraldine Atkinson confirms she expects Victoria’s treaty framework to be released in the next fortnight, before Victoria

We have a Voice, we have Truth, now Treaty is very much within our reach 

Geraldine Atkinson, Wednesday, 12th October 2022 -  Negotiations for Treaty in Victoria could start taking place as early as next year, writes Aunty Geraldine Atkinson.  With guidance from the community we serve, the First Peoples’

Tasmania’s anti-protest bill passes upper house as activists vow to fight on

Danielle Kutchel, Friday, 26th August 2022 -  The passing of the Tasmanian bill comes just weeks after Victoria passed similar legislation. Tasmania’s controversial anti-protest laws have passed the state’s upper house with

Poker machine losses exceed $60 billion in Victoria alone

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 18th July 2022 -  The money lost on poker machines dwarfs that spent on addressing social needs in the state, including social housing reform. The amount lost on Victorian poker machines has topped

Focus on politics: Victoria

Neil Pharaoh, Monday, 20th June 2022 -  This week we’re switching up Happenings on the Hill and turning our attention to state politics. Neil Pharaoh takes a deep dive into Victoria, the parliament, people, and the election

Landmark Victorian Inquiry into Homelessness report: What’s in it for young people?

David Mackenzie, Friday, 5th March 2021 -  The Victorian Inquiry into Homelessness report was submitted to Parliament with over 50 recommendations. Associate Professor David Mackenzie and Dr Tammy Hand, who head up the

Australia urged to steer clear from overly punitive lockdown measures

Luke Michael, Monday, 18th January 2021 -  Human Rights Watch has criticised some of the ‘discriminatory’ aspects of Australia’s COVID-19 response      Australian governments should assess all future COVID-19 lockdown

Victoria extends support for every young person in state care

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 25th November 2020 -  Advocates are now urging New South Wales and Queensland to commit to extending state care                    The social sector is celebrating a major advocacy win with the Victorian government announcing

‘It’s a game changer’: Community sector celebrates historic housing pledge

Luke Michael, Monday, 16th November 2020 -  Community leaders say the sector’s advocacy efforts were vital to securing the multi-billion dollar announcement    The Victorian government will deliver more than 12,000 new

Disadvantage is a virus, it’s time we intervened with a vaccine

Dr Lisa J. Griffiths, Friday, 7th August 2020 -  Evidence-based early intervention is a tried and tested solution. Instead of removing children we must shift our focus from crisis care to preventative care to create lasting generational

Governments urged to prioritise Victorians with disability during second COVID wave

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 5th August 2020 -  Advocates warn of “tragic outcomes” if proper planning is not undertaken            Disability groups say a holistic plan is urgently needed to protect Victorians with

The fight to tell Australia’s truth

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 22nd July 2020 -  The Victorian state government is setting up the country’s first formal truth telling process for Aboriginal Victorians. We take a look at why that’s so important.  Last week the
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