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Tag : Virtual reality

Using virtual reality could make you a better person in real life

Contributor, Thursday, 4th July 2019 -  Virtual embodiment provides an opportunity to explore the world from a different point of view and can alter your behaviour in real life, write Thuong Hoang and Guy Wood-Bradley from…

VR Helping People with Intellectual Disability Get Behind the Wheel

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 14th September 2018 -  A disability support service is using the latest in virtual reality technology to teach people with intellectual disability the skills to drive a car.   The Endeavour Foundation

One to Watch: Jessie Hughes

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 12th December 2017 -  Jessie Hughes is the creative director of SignVR, an interactive virtual reality platform for learning sign language. She is One to Watch. A total of 60 of Australia’s brightest young

Virtual Reality Game Launches to Engage Youth in Disability Sector

Contributor, Thursday, 3rd August 2017 -  A world first immersive virtual reality work experience game designed to engage young people to work in the disability sector has launched in Victoria. Developed by not-for-profit

New Virtual Reality Tool to Train Disability Support Workers

Rachel McFadden, Thursday, 20th July 2017 -  A leading disability provider has secured funding to develop an innovative virtual reality prototype to enhance the training, skills and work practices of disability support staff.…

Virtual Reality Could Help Combat Social Isolation in Ageing Population

Rachel McFadden, Tuesday, 11th July 2017 -  A new research project is investigating ways virtual reality could help combat social isolation in Australia’s ageing population. The three year research project, led by researchers…

Virtual Reality App Gives the Experience of Dementia

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 22nd September 2016 -  A new virtual reality app, targeted at family carers and the wider community, enables users to see the world through the eyes of a person living with dementia. The Educational Dementia
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