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Tag : Voice

Silencing somebody won’t help change their view

Neil Pharaoh, Monday, 13th February 2023 -  When you want to win hearts and minds on the road to change, sometimes you can gain the most ground by engaging with the people who support you the least.    With the rise of social

Lidia Thorpe quits Greens, going to crossbench to promote ‘Blak Sovereign Movement’

Contributor, Monday, 6th February 2023 -  Thorpe leaves the Greens, complicating the Senate for the government. The defection means the Coalition and non-Greens crossbench can form an absolute majority. Victorian Indigenous…

Self-Determination Fund founded in Victoria

News Team, Monday, 28th November 2022 -  The establishment of the fund comes as the sector hears more about the planned Voice to federal parliament. A foundational donation of $100 has kickstarted a fund to help Traditional
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