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Tag : Volunteer

Value beyond money: Australia’s special dependency on volunteers to battle bushfires

Contributor, Thursday, 23rd January 2020 -  Australia’s rural firefighting organisations hold a special place in the nation’s heart. Part of what makes them so interesting is how they are organised and funded,

Volunteering: An act of service worth celebrating

Contributor, Monday, 2nd December 2019 -  This Thursday is International Volunteer Day. It provides an opportunity to reflect on the achievements and contributions being made by hundreds of Australians currently volunteering

How to volunteer, not ‘voluntour’

Contributor, Monday, 4th November 2019 -  The pitfalls of orphanage volunteering are well-known but there are many other ways international volunteer experiences can unwittingly do more harm than good.  When considering

10 things I’m glad I packed for my year in Mongolia

Contributor, Monday, 7th October 2019 -  Patrick Gallus recently volunteered for 12 months in Mongolia with the Australian Volunteers Program. Here he shares his top 10 things to pack when you’re heading for an extended

Ignite, Invigorate, and Inspire Volunteering

Contributor, Thursday, 7th June 2018 -  Volunteers and the organisations that support them are the lifeblood of the Australian community, writes Volunteering Australia ahead of the 2018 National Volunteering Conference.

Power to the Hosts: How to Fix Volunteer Tourism

Contributor, Wednesday, 18th April 2018 -  Dr Pascal Scherrer and Jessica Steele explore how “the feel-good darling of tourism” became so tarnished and how it can be fixed, in this article which was first published in The Conversation.

Charity Says Volunteer Card is a Must

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 7th January 2016 -  South Australia’s largest community-based volunteer organisation has called on the State Government to introduce a volunteer card system. Releasing its wish list for 2016,…

Volunteering Expectations Must Be Clear – Report

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 6th October 2015 -  The volunteering experience for university students and the organisations they help can be improved if expectations are clear before the volunteer activity begins, according…

Red Tape Cuts Heralded for Philanthropy

Lina Caneva, Friday, 29th May 2015 -  The Abbott Government has vowed to cut red tape in an effort to boost philanthropy in Australia. Assistant Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and Social Services Minister Scott Morrison…

Informing Volunteers About Mental Health

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 14th May 2015 -  New online resources from Not for Profit beyondblue aim to educate volunteers on how to boost the mental health of older people in their care. Released in conjunction with National…


Volunteer Managers – Time to Take Us Seriously

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 12th May 2015 -  The role of volunteer managers is often under-valued, under-resourced and under-paid but it’s time to change this and show that they are skilled people in project management,

Matchmaking Tool for NFPs

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 28th April 2015 -  A Melbourne entrepreneur has created a new online tool he claims will enable Not for Profits to connect easier with people looking for life-enriching opportunities such as volunteer…
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