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Tag : Web 2.0


What is all the RSS about?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th March 2011 -  Being current with information need not be a hard task. There are simple tools, often free, that can make capturing information pertinent for Not for Profits fairly simple. That is

Not for Profits Among Mashable’s Best of the Web 2010

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 12th January 2011 - 
After more than 1.3 million nominations and votes, the winners of the 2010 Mashable Awards have been announced including a must-follow Not for Profit. The Mashable Awards, formerly…

Government 2.0 Releases Draft Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st December 2009 -   The central recommendation calls for an Open Government Directive from the Government to treat government information as a national public resource to be as freely and openly…
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