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Tag : Wendy Scaife

ACNC appointment welcomed effusively by sector

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Monday, 21st November 2022 -  The appointment of Sue Woodward as commissioner of the ACNC appears to be overwhelmingly popular, including with the assistant minister for charities.  The for-purpose sector

Experts Concerned as Fewer Australians Give to Charity

Luke Michael, Monday, 25th February 2019 -  The percentage of Australians donating to charity is falling, according to new research that experts say highlights a need for different giving strategies in the sector. Roy Morgan’s

UK Charity Donations Rise But Fewer People Are Giving

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 27th March 2018 -  Fewer people in the UK are giving but they are giving more, according to the largest study of giving conducted in the UK. Research carried out by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) has

NFPs Need Greater Investment in New Technologies and Social Media

Luke Michael, Monday, 27th November 2017 -  Not-for-profit organisations need to engage with millennials by further investing in new technologies and social media to facilitate greater giving and fundraising, according

Volunteers Give More

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 1st December 2016 -  Volunteers are more generous with their dollars as well as with their time, according to new research. The Giving Australia 2016 project, which is the largest ever research effort

Professional Advisors and Philanthropy – Survey

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 29th April 2014 -  A new study is being undertaken as part of the QUT Business School’s research program into the willingness of professional advisers to discuss philanthropy with their clients.…

Of Forrests and Acorns: Philanthropic Gift May Seed Other University Giving

Staff Reporter, Friday, 18th October 2013 -  In this article first published on The Conversation, Senior Research Fellow at QUT Business School at Queensland University of Technology Wendy Scaife looks at how Nicola and Andrew

Major Giving In Australia – New Research Points to Untapped Opportunity

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 11th March 2010 -  Landmark philanthropy research by the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies (CPNS) finds major giving in Australia is untapped, unidentified and uniformed.…
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