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Tag : Workplace Gender Equality

Eight Strategies for Improving Gender Equality in the Workplace

Rachel McFadden, Friday, 14th July 2017 -  A number of Australian businesses leading the way in gender equality have been selected by the nation’s agency for workplace gender equality in the hope they will inspire other businesses

Reporting Framework for Gender Equality

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th March 2013 -  A new reporting framework to help employers improve gender equality outcomes has been tabled in Federal Parliament. The Workplace Gender Equality framework establishes the specific…

Schwartz to Advise on Workplace Gender Equality

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th January 2013 -  Prominent businesswoman and philanthropist, Carol Schwartz AO is leading consultations with business and other interest groups on the reporting requirements of the Federal Government’s…

Govt Calls for Public Comment on Gender Equality

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th January 2013 -  The Federal Government has called for public comment to help develop the next stage of its workplace gender equality reforms. The Workplace Gender Equality Act was introduced to
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