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Tag : World Vision Australia

Five challenges facing children and young people

Mercy Chipo Jumo, Monday, 24th August 2020 -  To mark the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, children and young people from Australia and the Pacific met to identify key areas of concern

World Vision clouded by corruption scandal

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 11th March 2020 -  In further revelations, the charity also admitted it had accidentally underpaid hundreds of its workers The peak-body for Australian aid NGOs has revealed it is working with World

Aid groups unite for climate action

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 21st January 2020 -  The charities are calling on the government to step up the climate fight  Some of Australia’s biggest charities have joined forces to deliver an urgent climate action plan to the federal

What Impact Will Your Gift Have This Christmas?

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 13th December 2018 -  Australians are expected to spend over $50 billion in the lead up to Christmas, and while gifts are a great way to show appreciation for your loved ones, the charity and B-Corp sectors

Australian Aid Sector Vows to Get #KidsOffNauru

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 30th October 2018 -  More than 120 Australian aid NGOs have vowed to ramp up efforts to get children off Nauru, as pressure mounts on the government to transfer all children remaining on the island to Australia.


Six Tips For Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals

Contributor, Tuesday, 25th September 2018 -  With 25 September marking the third anniversary of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) being agreed, World Vision Australia policy advisor Dane Moores offers his tips to lift

Charities Warn Aid Cuts Are Diminishing Australia’s Regional Influence

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 11th April 2018 -  Aid charities have warned that continuing cuts to Australia’s aid budget are diminishing the nation’s influence in the Pacific region, after it emerged Australia has fallen in the

Government Urged to Reject ‘Utterly Shameful’ Aid Budget Cuts

Luke Michael, Thursday, 29th March 2018 -  Australian aid charities have called on the federal government to rule out further cuts to international aid, after reports emerged the Turnbull government was considering a $400

Australian Charities Urged to Enable Mobile Donations This Christmas

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 12th December 2017 -  Charities need to modernise their donation strategies and utilise mobile and tap-and-go payments, or they risk missing out on donations from digitally-savvy consumers this Christmas,

The End of an Era: Tim Costello to Step Down as World Vision CEO

Wendy Williams, Monday, 9th May 2016 -  Long-standing CEO of World Vision Australia Tim Costello is standing down after 13 years to take up the newly created executive role as chief advocate later this year. Costello said

Political Leaders to Blame for Loss of ‘Charity’ – Costello

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 10th March 2016 -  World Vision’s CEO Tim Costello has painted a grim picture of the state of giving in Australia and the Not for Profit sector in an interview being aired on television at the weekend.
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