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Tag : Zed Seselja

Morrison government unveils ‘significant and far-reaching’ fundraising reforms

Contributor, Wednesday, 16th December 2020 -  A new fundraising model is set to reduce the administrative and financial burden for charities      Sector leaders are celebrating a major win in the battle to fix fundraising regulation,

Government signals harsher penalties against charities supporting unlawful behaviour

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 15th December 2020 -  The assistant minister for charities says the new governance standard will be introduced via the charities commission  The government is moving to add trespassing, unlawful entry,

Organisations refusing to join redress scheme face loss of charity status

David Crosbie, Monday, 30th November 2020 -  “It is completely unacceptable for named institutions to refuse to accept their moral obligation and responsibility to acknowledge the wrongs committed,” the social services

Governments propose new fundraising model to cut red tape

Contributor, Wednesday, 2nd September 2020 -  The federal government says it is working with states and territories to fast-track the harmonisation of fundraising  A cross-border recognition fundraising model put forward

Philanthropists given incentive to dig deep for struggling charities

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 6th May 2020 -  Sector leaders say charities will struggle to stay afloat without increased philanthropic support The Morrison government is creating an incentive for philanthropic funds to

Government vows to remove ACNC secrecy provisions, but won’t budge on fundraising reform

Luke Michael, Friday, 6th March 2020 -  The government has released its response to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission review The Morrison government is moving to strengthen public trust in the

Environmental charities under the spotlight for advocacy

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 10th December 2019 -  Greenpeace says political advocacy is a vital part of a charity’s purpose  Political advocacy is an essential task for charities and is something that must be protected, Greenpeace

Government ordered to respond to fundraising inquiry

Luke Michael, Thursday, 28th November 2019 -  The Senate has given the government less than a week to release its response to the report The Morrison government is under pressure to release its overdue response to a Senate inquiry

Government response to ACNC review ‘coming soon’

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 3rd September 2019 -  The sector could have to wait until next year for a response to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission review, says the assistant minister for charities. In an interview

Charity leaders slam continued inaction on fundraising reform

Contributor, Friday, 30th August 2019 -  The charity sector’s hopes of achieving urgent fundraising reform have been dealt a major blow, after the issue was left off the agenda for an influential meeting between consumer

Coalition promises to support charities and the NDIS… but won’t budge on Newstart

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 30th April 2019 -  The Coalition government says it strongly supports the charity sector and has promised the National Disability Insurance Scheme will always be fully funded, as it seeks re-election

Zed Seselja Appointed New Minister for Charities

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 4th September 2018 -  The Morrison government has appointed a new minister for charities, Senator Zed Seselja, who previously expressed a desire to improve government relations with the sector. But
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