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Pro Bono Jobs and Events

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -  To stay in touch with current jobs in the Not for Profit sector, go to Our ‘What’s on’ will also keep you informed of events.

Weather Alert – The Perfect Storm Foundation

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -  Here’s another example of a famous author who was so taken by his work that he formed a Foundation to try to help others – and found the going rough! While writing his international…

Free Help with Tax Returns

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -  And still on the issue of tax….if any of your clients need help doing their tax return this year, the Tax Office-trained community volunteers are now available across the country.…

Indigenous Scholarship Awarded

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -  This month the Australian Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem awarded their second Ron Castan Memorial Indigenous People’s Scholarship to assist Aboriginal communities.…

Social Marketing – Need Help?

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th August 2000 -  So the debate about corporate responsibility and the nature of appropriate partnerships between business and community organisations has forced you to re-assess your approach!?…

AFR Sponsorship Awards and the Winner is….

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th August 2000 -  And while we are still on the topic of corporate community involvement, the results of the Australian Financial Review Magazine’s Annual Sponsorship Awards also highlight the big…

Your News

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th August 2000 -  Each e-Newsletter brings great feed back from many readers and we’d love to publish your organisation’s news and views, staff movements, successes and experiences and general comments.…

Idealists on the Net

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th August 2000 -  If you have been accused of being an idealist well you are in good company and here’s a web site for you! Check out Idealist is a project by the group Action Without…

In Recognition of Pro Bono Legal Work

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th August 2000 -  The first national Pro Bono Law Conference in Melbourne at the start of the month brought together an enormous wealth of information and debate on the state of legal work for the public…

Politicians Beware!

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th August 2000 -  If you have ever despaired over trying to contact your local Member of Parliament or a Minister or any politician, then you will appreciate the efforts of one enterprising Canadian…

Corporate Community Involvement – Good and Bad!

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th August 2000 -  A study into Corporate Community Involvement concludes that big business is becoming more ‘strategic’ in its use of community involvement to increase business benefits. That means…

Donations! Music to Our Ears

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th August 2000 -  It’s hard to believe that there are any ‘world firsts’ left in fundraising but the Internet has ensured a steady stream of innovative ideas. Now the music industry is claiming a fundraising…
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