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Tag : Government

When Bad Consultation Leads to Bad Policy

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st November 2011 -  Governments around Australia need to really listen to their constituents, and ensure that ‘consultation’ doesn’t become a decorative process to legitimise

Govt & Media Blamed for Social Housing Stigma

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 28th April 2011 -  Social housing neighbourhoods are stigmatised because government policies have worked to congregate socially disadvantaged people in social housing neighbourhoods while under-investing…

New Service to Mark National Apology Anniversary

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 18th November 2010 -  To mark the first anniversary of the national apology to the Forgotten Australians and former child migrants, the Gillard Government has released details of a new nationwide Find…

Direct NFP Funding In Labor’s Disability Policy

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 29th July 2010 -  A re-elected Labor Government would establish a new capital fund to build community-based supported accommodation places for people with disabilities.
Announcing the Gillard

GetUp Campaign on Abbott No Joke

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 17th June 2010 -  Have you heard the story about Tony Abbott giving a surfing lesson to a refugee? It's no joke thanks to one enterprising Not for Profit. Not for Profit advocacy group, GetUp says…

Boost for Employment Advice Services

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 9th June 2010 -    The Federal Government has announced an assistance package for Community Based Employment Advice Services that deliver workplace services and advice for workers.…

Government to Cut Financial Reporting Red Tape for Not for Profits

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 8th December 2009 -   Corporate Law Minister Chris Bowen says the changes will reduce unnecessary reporting obligations and deliver much needed relief from red tape for Australian charities…

Government Releases Full Disability Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 8th December 2009 -   The report called The Way Forward: A new disability policy framework for Australia, outlines the drawbacks of the current system given that the number of people with a severe…

Productivity Commission Releases Draft Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th October 2009 -  There is a need for wide-ranging reforms and a reduction in compliance costs faced by the Not for Profit sector, according to a much anticipated draft research report released by the…

Productivity Commission Releases Draft Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th October 2009 -  There is a need for wide-ranging reforms and a reduction in compliance costs faced by the Not for Profit sector, according to a much anticipated draft research report released by the…

Government Releases National Human Rights Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th October 2009 -  The Federal Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, has released the report of the National Human Rights Consultation Committee that finds overwhelmingly, Australians support…

Homeless To Do Charity Work To Pay Off Fines

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th September 2009 -  Homeless and disadvantaged people will be able to pay off fines by doing charity work or treatment programs under a scheme launched today by the NSW Government. The NSW Government…
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