Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st November 2011 - Governments around Australia need to really listen to their constituents, and ensure that ‘consultation’ doesn’t become a decorative process to legitimise…
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 28th April 2011 -
Social housing neighbourhoods are stigmatised because government policies have worked to congregate socially disadvantaged people in social housing neighbourhoods while under-investing…
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 18th November 2010 -
To mark the first anniversary of the national apology to the Forgotten Australians and former child migrants, the Gillard Government has released details of a new nationwide Find…
Lina Caneva, Thursday, 29th July 2010 -
A re-elected Labor Government would establish a new capital fund to build community-based supported accommodation places for people with disabilities.
Lina Caneva, Thursday, 17th June 2010 -
Have you heard the story about Tony Abbott giving a surfing lesson to a refugee? It's no joke thanks to one enterprising Not for Profit.
Not for Profit advocacy group, GetUp says…
Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 9th June 2010 -
The Federal Government has announced an assistance package for Community Based Employment Advice Services that deliver workplace services and advice for workers.…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 8th December 2009 -
Corporate Law Minister Chris Bowen says the changes will reduce unnecessary reporting obligations and deliver much needed relief from red tape for Australian charities…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 8th December 2009 -
The report called The Way Forward: A new disability policy framework for Australia, outlines the drawbacks of the current system given that the number of people with a severe…
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th October 2009 -
There is a need for wide-ranging reforms and a reduction in compliance costs faced by the Not for Profit sector, according to a much anticipated draft research report released by the…
Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th October 2009 -
There is a need for wide-ranging reforms and a reduction in compliance costs faced by the Not for Profit sector, according to a much anticipated draft research report released by the…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th October 2009 -
The Federal Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, has released the report of the National Human Rights Consultation Committee that finds overwhelmingly, Australians support…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th September 2009 -
Homeless and disadvantaged people will be able to pay off fines by doing charity work or treatment programs under a scheme launched today by the NSW Government.
The NSW Government…