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Tag : Government

Youth Justice Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th September 2009 -  A Youth Justice Coalition (YJC) report details obsessive police monitoring of young people and a detention system that exacerbates high costs and poor outcomes for youth justice…

Former Democrat Supports Rudd Government Third Sector Reform Agenda

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th September 2009 -  Former West Australian Democrats Senator, Andrew Murray who instigated the Senate Inquiry into Disclosure Regimes for Charities and Not for Profit organisations says the Third…

Government Hands Out Millions to Assist Not for Profits in Downturn

Staff Reporter, Monday, 31st August 2009 -  The Federal Government is handing out  $11 million to Not for Profit organisations to help them deliver community services during the economic downturn. The announcement comes…

Poor Government Response to the Senate Inquiry into NFP Disclosure Regimes

Staff Reporter, Monday, 31st August 2009 -  Given the plethora of inquiries and investigations into the Third Sector, you may have wondered whatever happened to the recommendations of the Senate Inquiry into Disclosure Regimes…

Productivity Commission’s Draft Report Due

Staff Reporter, Monday, 31st August 2009 -  As the Productivity Commission prepares to deliver its draft report into the contribution of the Not for Profit sector in early October, Pro Bono Australia looks at two more submissions…

Victorian Government’s Not for Profit Futures Summit

Staff Reporter, Monday, 31st August 2009 -  Victorian Not for Profits are being asked to get together to plan for the future – by taking part in the Victorian Government’s Future Summit on Saturday 19th September.…

National Compact Draft Principles Released for Discussion

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th August 2009 -  A National Compact between the Federal Government and the Australia Not for Profit Sector would include a statement of agreed principles as well as a prioritised action list to ensure…

Government Provides $21 million to Support Volunteers

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th August 2009 -  Not for Profit organisations, who are supported by volunteers, can apply for Australian Government grants of up to $5,000 to purchase equipment and cover the cost of petrol. The Government…

Online Forum to Discuss Draft Principles of NFP National Compact

Staff Reporter, Monday, 3rd August 2009 -  Not for Profits will be able to begin discussing the Federal Government’s Draft Principles for a National Compact at an Online Forum from today (August 3rd, 2009) however the…

Government’s Digital Road Map a Dead-End for Not for Profits

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 23rd July 2009 -  Leading Not for Profit technology organisation Connecting Up Australia (CUA) has slammed the Rudd Government’s recent plan for the digital economy. CUA CEO Doug Jacquier…

National Shelter Funding

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th July 2009 -  As the housing and homeless issues gain momentum across Australia, the Federal Government has announced that the Not for Profit organisation National Shelter will receive $200,000…

Blitz on Sub-Standard Rooming Houses in Victoria

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th July 2009 -  The Victorian Government has set up a rooming house task force which includes representative from Not for Profit peak bodies and begun a blitz on what it describes as sub-standard…
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