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Tag : ACT

ACT to Carve Out Regulation for ACNC

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 16th April 2014 -  The ACT Labor Government has thrown its full support behind the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, saying if the ACNC is saved it will “carve out”…

National Capital First for Full NDIS

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd April 2014 -  The Australian Capital Territory will be the first jurisdiction in Australia to accept all eligible people into the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) starting from July…

Push for Women to Take the Lead

Staff Reporter, Monday, 31st March 2014 -  Feminist Not for Profit YWCA of Canberra has launched an innovative new program to encourage women into leadership roles. She Leads will comprise of a year-long Diploma of Management…


Taking a United Approach to Social Justice

Staff Reporter, Monday, 3rd March 2014 -  Lin Hatfield Dodds is the National Director of UnitingCare Australia, and is one of Australia’s leading social justice advocates. Her first "proper" job in the

Halving Rates of Mental Illness

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 31st October 2013 -  The costs of mental illness in Australia will continue to grow from the current $190 billion per annum because Australia is not investing in the social and emotional wellbeing of infants…

Cash Up For Grabs for Indigenous Groups

Staff Reporter, Friday, 27th September 2013 -  Grants of up to $10,000 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups and individuals are now available under an ACT Government’s grants program. The $205,000 of funding…

Churchill Fellowships Announced

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 23rd July 2013 -  The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust has announced 109 recipients of 2013 Churchill Fellowships who are poised to boost their expertise by undertaking research projects throughout…

Aussies Going Without Food – Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 8th May 2013 -  Joint research by welfare Not for Profit, Anglicare and the Samaritans Foundation reveals high levels of food insecurity for low income households accessing Emergency Relief (ER)…

Two More States Sign up to NDIS

Staff Reporter, Monday, 22nd April 2013 -  Two more governments have signed off on the DisabilityCare Australia agreement, following the announcement of South Australia committing to the deal last week. The Australian…

Campaigner Named as ACT’s Aussie of the Year

Staff Reporter, Friday, 23rd November 2012 - 
Dr Tom Calma has been named ACT Australian of the Year 2013. Social justice campaigner and Australian Social Inclusion Board Member, Dr Tom Calma AO, has been announced as the ACT Australian…

Changemakers – Mary Franes

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th November 2012 -  Mary Franes, Studio Program Coordinator at Kids Under Cover, is profiled in Changemakers – a regular column which examines inspiring people and their careers in the Not for

Changemakers – Rebecca Vassarotti

Staff Reporter, Monday, 16th July 2012 -  Rebecca Vassarotti, Executive Director of the YWCA of Canberra, is profiled in Changemakers – a regular column which examines inspiring people and their careers in the Not…
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