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Affordable Housing Framework is Inadequate, Researchers Warn

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 14th February 2018 -  The framework for affordable housing in Australia is inadequate and driven by funding opportunities rather than defined housing needs, a new report has warned.   Researchers at

Struggling Homelessness Services Must Look to New Ways of Funding

Wendy Williams, Friday, 28th April 2017 -  Homelessness services in Australia are “overwhelmingly” unable to meet client demand and must consider additional funding models in order to ensure their survival, according

Affordable Housing Industry Has Capacity But Lacks Government Certainty

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 20th April 2017 -  Australia urgently needs national legislation that defines affordable housing and sets out the economic and social purpose of the industry, according to new research. A report

Study of UK Public Housing Helping Put Australia On Track

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 29th March 2017 -  Australia has a lot to learn from the UK experience of transferring public housing estates to not-for-profit providers, according to new research. A new study has painted a picture

Shifting Management to NFPs is Good for Public Housing

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 25th January 2017 -  Transferring the management of public housing from state and territory governments to not-for-profit housing providers can revive run-down estates and build more homes, according

Guaranteeing the Future of Affordable Rental Housing

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 29th October 2013 -  An international review of the use of government guarantees to support investment in affordable rental housing by RMIT University says a similar model is “desperately needed…

Housing Bonds Could Ease Rental Crisis

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th May 2012 -  Housing bonds could be used to fund affordable rental housing, according to a report by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute. The report’s lead author,…

Melbourne Boarding House Boom – Homelessness Research Conference

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 18th April 2012 -  A RMIT University analysis has revealed a dramatic 236 per cent increase in the number of people living in rooming houses in Melbourne in the past five years. The research says that…
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