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Tag : Boards

Do or Die for NFP Boards – ‘Futures’ Paper

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 22nd March 2016 -  Australian charities and their boards must make radical, future-focused and corporate-minded changes, or risk facing extinction, according to a report released by wealth management

Push for More Women on Business Boards

Xavier Smerdon, Monday, 13th April 2015 -  The Australian Institute of Company Directors is calling for all business boards to ensure that at least 30 per cent of their directors are female. The AICD also urged all ASX200 companies…

Aussie Boards Becoming More Culturally Diverse – Report

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 17th March 2015 -  The Boards of Australian companies are becoming more culturally diverse but they are still not reflecting the diversity of the broader Australian community, a new report has found.…

British Board Types? Obsessives, Colonels and Gong Hunters!

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 22nd January 2015 -  Britain’s charities are facing skills gaps on their trustee boards according to new research which also found there are too many ‘Obsessives,’ ‘Colonels’…

More Women Reach Corporate Board Level – Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 12th March 2014 -  The number of women on Australian corporate boards has more than doubled over the past four years, figures from the Australian Institute of Company Directors have revealed. Company…


A Coffee Catch-up Delivers a Charity Challenge to Think Differently

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th February 2014 -  A coffee catch up between two friends six years ago saw one cancer charity raise $10 million and expand its scope to being hands on in the prevention, research and funding process for

Women on Boards but Not in Leadership Pipeline

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th November 2012 -  It’s been revealed that the numbers of women at the upper levels of corporate Australia are so low that it will take decades before women achieve any meaningful representation,…

NFP Board Remuneration Survey

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 4th October 2012 -  Better Boards Australasia is embarking on its second annual Non-Profit Board Member Remuneration Survey for organisations in Australia and New Zealand. The survey asks representatives…

More Women Executives on Australian Government Boards

Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd April 2012 -  Women are becoming more influential on Australian Government boards with female executives filling 35.3 per cent of Government board positions in the last financial year. The latest…

New Book a Practical Guide for Australian NFPs

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 13th October 2010 -  A new book by Australian lawyer and adviser to the Not for Profit sector, Catherine Brown, is described as a practical guide for people working in the sector, especially aspiring board…
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