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Tag : Changemakers

Opportunity for Australia’s Young Social Pioneers

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 26th April 2017 -  Australia’s largest youth incubator program is calling on emerging social innovators, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and changemakers, looking to make a social impact. Young


Challenging People’s Viewpoints

Xavier Smerdon, Monday, 27th October 2014 -  A blogger, writer, speaker and appearance activist living with Ichthyosis, a rare skin condition, Carly Findlay has made it her mission to challenge people’s thinking about…

Social Change Impact Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 11th December 2013 -  On average, 92 per cent of adults around the world say they have engaged in positive social change at some point in their lives, according to the 2013 Social Change Impact Report by Walden…

Changemakers – Yi Sung Yong

Staff Reporter, Monday, 9th September 2013 -  Yi Sung Yong is part of the founding team of Not for Profit organisation One Cent Movement, which works on turning online purchases into an opportunity to donate to charity. This week


Changemaker- Ian Wishart

Staff Reporter, Monday, 15th July 2013 -  Ian Wishart is the CEO of Plan Australia, an influential international development agency which is part of a global development network with a focus on children. This week we profile…

Changemaker- Tammy Kimpton

Staff Reporter, Monday, 8th July 2013 -  Doctor Tammy Kimpton is a Tasmanian Aboriginal woman from the West Coast. She works in NSW as a GP registrar, living with her husband and three children in the Upper Hunter. Tammy is…

Young Changemakers Advocate for Child Rights

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 2nd July 2013 -  UNICEF Young Ambassadors will work with youth networks across Australia to connect with key policy makers and parliamentarians to address important child rights issues both in…

Living in a Not for Profit World in 2050?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 25th June 2013 -  A group of pro-active changemakers is compiling a book which will look at the prospect of Not for Profit enterprise becoming the central model of local, national and international…

Changemaker- Catherine Brown

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th June 2013 -          Catherine Brown is the CEO of the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation.  This week the Foundation is celebrating its 90th anniversary. The…

Changemakers- Michael Sheldrick

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th May 2013 -  Michael Sheldrick is the Global Policy and Advocacy Manager at Global Poverty Project, an education and advocacy organisation focused on ensuring both the public and private sectors…

Changemakers – Prue Ingram

Staff Reporter, Monday, 13th May 2013 -  Prue Ingram is CEO of Interplast, a Not for Profit organisation working to improve the quality of life for people who are disabled as a result of congenital or acquired medical conditions…

Changemakers – Kylee Ingram

Staff Reporter, Monday, 29th April 2013 -  Kylee Ingram is the creator behind ‘Team Tap’ – a revolutionary social game that can be played at any event or festival in the world.  Players tap one another's…
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