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Tag : Charity news

Vision Australia Axes Jobs for Disabled

Staff Reporter, Monday, 7th October 2013 -  Vision Australia will close down its employment enterprise, Vision Australia Enterprises, leaving 71 people, some of which are blind or have low vision, out of work. The Not for Profit…

Indigenous Engagement Needs Strategic Leadership

Staff Reporter, Friday, 4th October 2013 -  Hurried one-off “consultations” that are organised without indigenous input don’t work, new evidence has revealed. The evidence from two papers, Engaging

Church Releases Child Sexual Abuse Reform Proposals

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd October 2013 -  The leadership of the Catholic Church in Australia has development a reform agenda which it says could see the most significant overhaul of the Church’s approach to clerical…

Cancer Risk Greater for Indigenous Australians

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd October 2013 -  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have higher rates of new cancer cases and cancer deaths than non-Indigenous Australians, according to a new report by the Australian…

Fragmented Disability Sector Needs Change

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd October 2013 -  The current arrangements for Australia’s peak bodies on disability are fragmented and confused and in need of an urgent rethink as the National Insurance Disability Scheme…

New Melbourne Giving Circle – Impact100Melbourne

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd October 2013 -  A new collaborative giving circle has been set up in Melbourne with the aim of bringing 100 diverse donors together to make a significant community impact through local Not for Profits.…


To Work Politically, Dive Deeper

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd October 2013 -  All organisations are political environments, with everyone acting on behalf of something that matters to them. How this plays out is often unstated but working with it requires

Housing Crisis Needs New Partnership – Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd October 2013 -  The philanthropic and the housing sectors in the UK need to establish a new partnership to overcome the crisis in affordable housing, according to a report by the charity think tank…

Sydneysiders Get Sense of Slums

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 2nd October 2013 -  Inner city Sydney was transformed into an urban slum as part of a Habitat for Humanity campaign to raise awareness of the one billion people around the world living in inadequate housing.…

Governance Scholarships Open for NFP Leaders

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 2nd October 2013 -  Charitable fund manager, Perpetual has opened applications for 290 scholarships to support the development of good governance and leadership in the Not for Profit sector. Administered…


Internet access is a human right in Guatemala, why not in Australia?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 1st October 2013 -  But what does it mean to have access to the Internet if you can’t afford to use it, asks Susan Wilson from Anglicare Victoria. In August 2012 the indigenous Mayan village of Santiago…
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