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Tag : Charity news

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Seven Pointers for Stopping the Boats Ethically

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 1st October 2013 -  Is there any ethical discussion to be had about stopping the boats, or is it just a matter of whatever it takes? Professor of law at Australian Catholic University, Fr Frank Brennan

Global United Way Boss To Address Australian Corporate Leaders

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 1st October 2013 -  Brian Gallagher, the President and CEO of United Way Worldwide – described as the world’s largest privately funded Not for Profit organisation – will address…

Privacy Guide for Mobile Apps

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 1st October 2013 -  The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) has released a guide to help mobile app developers to embed better privacy practices into their products, and to comply…

More Evidence that Humans Cause Rise in Temperature – Climate Council

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 1st October 2013 -  The Climate Council, the newly formed, independent environment Not for Profit, has released its summary of The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, which has…

Climate Council Set to Reach $1M in Donations

Staff Reporter, Friday, 27th September 2013 -  The new Climate Council led by Tim Flannery has received almost $1 million in public donations to secure its position as an independent source of public information on the changing…

Cash Up For Grabs for Indigenous Groups

Staff Reporter, Friday, 27th September 2013 -  Grants of up to $10,000 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups and individuals are now available under an ACT Government’s grants program. The $205,000 of funding…

Fees Waived Under New Vic Association Laws

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th September 2013 -  Incorporated associations and some sporting clubs in Victoria will get their fees waived or reduced for changing their rules, as long as they do it before November 26, according to…

Disease Prevention Topping Eftpos $2M Poll

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th September 2013 -  The area of ‘disease prevention and medical research’ is currently leading the public online poll undertaken by electronic funds transfer system company, eftpos…

Disability Inclusion on World Stage

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th September 2013 -  Australia’s peak council for humanitarian and international aid charities, ACFID has welcomed a statement by the new Foreign Minister confirming Australia will champion…

Volunteers Get Behind Asylum Seekers

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th September 2013 -  Australia’s hardline approach to "boat people" has seen increasing numbers of volunteers putting their hand up to help asylum seekers. The number of volunteers…

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Should NFPs Use Interns to Manage Social Media?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th September 2013 -  For Not for Profits finding social media an arduous task on top of an already heavy workload, is handing over the responsibility to interns a viable solution, asks PhD researcher Karen

Back to the NDIS Future

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th September 2013 -  DisabilityCare Australia has now officially reverted back to the original name of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) under the new Coalition Government – a move…
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