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Tag : Homeless

Developer Pushes for Pop-Up Shelters for the Homeless

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 7th July 2016 -  Feature: A Melbourne property developer is on a mission to develop social and affordable housing on a national scale. He’s starting with what some might describe as a quirky idea for

Technology and People Power Critical to Homeless Website

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd March 2016 -  Ask Izzy, the mobile website that connects people who are homeless or at risk with services has had a strong first month, but the organisation behind it says there is more hard work to

Cycle of Youth Homelessness Needs Intervention – NFP Report

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 16th February 2016 -  Up to one in seven young people could be at risk of homelessness due to poor family relationships and mental health issues, according to a new report from Mission Australia. The Not…

Turnbull Launches Homeless App

Xavier Smerdon, Friday, 29th January 2016 - 
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has launched a new mobile website that will connect homeless people, or those that are at risk of being homeless, with service providers. Speaking


Are Homelessness Services Essential Services?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th December 2015 -  As the national peak body for homelessness in Australia prepares to close its doors due to federal defunding, the out-going CEO of Homelessness Australia, Glenda Stevens, asks if

Costs of Youth Homelessness Revealed – Report

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 17th February 2015 -  New research from Swinburne University reveals the extreme difficulties faced by homeless young people in Australia, with 63 per cent having been in kinship, residential or foster…

Almost 100 Homeless Turned Away From Support Every Day

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 29th January 2015 -  Almost 100 people are being turned away from homeless support services every day in Victoria, according to the state’s peak homelessness body. The Council to Homeless Persons…

NFPs Call for Housing Fund

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 25th November 2014 -  An alliance of peak bodies and community organisations is calling on the next Victorian Government to do more to prevent the 400 young people who leave state care each year from becoming…

Family Violence Fuelling Homelessness

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 25th November 2014 -  Family violence forced more than 18,000 women into homelessness last year alone, according to peak body, the Council to Homeless Persons. As part of White Ribbon Day the organisation…

Housing Outcomes Poor Even with NFP Support:Report

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 2nd October 2014 -  Australians who are among the most socially and economically disadvantaged have poorer housing outcomes, even with support from homelessness agencies, a Government report has…

Affordable Housing in Parlous State – Andrews

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 16th September 2014 -  Federal Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews claims affordable housing in Australia is in a parlous state and has expressed his concerns over a ‘lack of transparency’.

Unaffordable Housing Drives Homelessness: Senate Enquiry

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 9th September 2014 -  Homelessness is on the rise due to a severe shortage of affordable housing, according to a Melbourne housing and homelessness agency. HomeGround Services Chief Executive Officer…
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