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Tag : Homeless

Sydney Homeless On the Rise

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 26th August 2014 -  Homelessness figures in Sydney are on the rise with an increase in the number of street homeless, according to a new report by Homelessness NSW. Released today, the City of Sydney Street…

Tune In Now – Toolkit for Homelessness Workers

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 24th June 2014 -  A guide about depression and anxiety for people who work with homeless men has been launched nationally. The toolkit, called Tune In Now, was created by Homelessness Australia in…

Older Women Among Australia’s ‘Hidden Homeless’

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th April 2014 -  Older women in Australia are increasingly at risk of becoming homeless, primarily because of poverty and unaffordable housing, according to a new research report commissioned…

More Australians Receiving Homelessness Support – Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th December 2013 -  The number of people receiving assistance from specialist homelessness agencies has increased, according to a report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).…

Dear Santa – Life on the Streets

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th December 2013 -  Melbourne Not for Profit organisation Youth Projects has unveiled a confronting Christmas themed community service announcement (CSA) that shines a spotlight on the harsh living…

Homeless Service Improves Health – Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th August 2013 -  A Melbourne service supporting chronically homeless people into permanent housing has significantly improved serious health problems faced by many of the participants, according…

Health Workers Conduct Register of Homeless

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 31st July 2013 -  Teams of housing and health workers have been on the streets of Melbourne this week to compile a register of the health status of individuals who are sleeping rough. The national Registry…

Over-crowding the new homelessness crisis- report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 5th June 2013 -  The number of Australians living in “severely crowded” and temporary housing has seen the number of people classed as homeless rise significantly, casting doubt over COAG’s benchmark…

Agreement on Homelessness in Limbo

Staff Reporter, Monday, 25th February 2013 -  National welfare Not for Profit Mission Australia has warned that vital support to thousands of vulnerable and homeless Australians is in limbo, while a crucial funding agreement…

Homeless Men Suffer Worse Stress than Returned Servicemen – Study

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st February 2013 -  Homeless men experience higher levels of post-traumatic stress disorder than the mainstream male population, including returned servicemen, a new study has found. The Mission…

Online Christmas Shopping? – Homepage for the Homeless!

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 18th December 2012 -  Online Christmas shoppers can give a lasting gift doing their Christmas shopping from Homepage for the Homeless, a charity webpage set up to support young Australians who will be…

Homelessness on Minister’s Agenda for US

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 11th December 2012 -  Federal Minister for Housing, Homelessness and Small Business Brendan O'Connor will use a trip to the US to develop ways to encourage Australia's corporate and private…
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