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Tag : Internet

Home is Where the Work is – Study

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st October 2013 -  About 5.6 million Australians – more than half of the Australian workforce – used the internet to work away from the office, according to research from the Australian…

Website Privacy Policies Too Complex

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th August 2013 -  A significant majority of website ‘privacy’ policies examined by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) are too long and complex. The Privacy…

Threats to Internet Freedom – Watchdog Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 25th September 2012 -  A new report from a US watchdog organisation suggests some Governments are growing increasingly repressive online, while activists are fighting back. Brutal attacks against bloggers,…

Google & NFP Help Australians Stay Safe Online

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 13th September 2012 - 
Photo supplied Global internet search engine Google has partnered with a national children’s charity, The Alannah and Madeline Foundation, in a campaign to help Australians…

Govt Provides $15.2 million for NBN Training Services

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th July 2012 -  Some 36 communities across Australia will receive $15.2 million to establish local NBN training services as part of the Gillard Government’s Digital Hubs and Digital Enterprises…

Campaign for dotNGO Heats Up

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 22nd March 2012 -  The campaign for global control of a new dotNGO Internet domain for charities is heating up with two Not for Profits joining forces in an application to control the new domain. Dr. Victoria…

Internet a Vital Connection for People with Mental Illness – Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th March 2012 - 
Flickr image:  Some rights reserved by tango.mceffrie Many people with a mental illness are turning to the internet and social media to manage their lives, overcome…

Australian NFPs Warned on Dot NGO Domain Name Issues

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 1st March 2012 -  Australian Not for Profits have been warned not to leap into supporting the establishment of a new global .NGO domain name without careful consideration. A Not for Profit organisation…

The Battle for a Global Not for Profit DotNGO Domain Name

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 9th February 2012 -  Flickr image:  Some rights reserved by The Booklight Two Not for Profits, at different ends of the globe, are vying for the rights to operate a new internet…

The Paradox of Connectedness

Staff Reporter, Friday, 18th November 2011 -  The 'super-connected' world of the internet, social media and hand-held communication devices, may be driving us further apart, according to a leading psychologist and…

The Internet’s Positive Effect on Civil Society

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th May 2011 -  The latest ANUpoll shows that far from increasing social isolation because users are in front of a computer screen, the Internet is actually having a positive effect on civil society.…

To PDF or Not to PDF? Online Accessibility for People with Disablities

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th March 2011 -  The way information is presented online by governments and others can make it difficult for those with disabilities, according to a new study by the Australian Government. In particular,…
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