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Tag : Legal

Court Action Over Disability Payment Scheme

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st January 2014 -  Lawyers for 10,000 intellectually disabled workers in Australia have sought a court order over the Federal Government’s latest payment scheme. Compensation law firm, Maurice…


Pyjamas for Purpose

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 2nd October 2013 -  In this week’s Spotlight on Social Enterprise, Nadia Boyce investigates a trendy new social enterprise spruiking pyjamas to support those sleeping rough on our streets. 

Be Proactive to Protect Information: Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd September 2013 -  A new Australian analysis underscores the importance of employers taking practical and legal steps to prevent current or former employees from misusing their confidential information.…

NFPs Top Pro Bono Legal Assistance

Staff Reporter, Friday, 25th January 2013 -  The majority of pro bono legal work in Australia is done for Not for Profit organisations, according to new research. Over 60 percent of the pro bono work undertaken by large law firms…

Homeless Services At Crisis Levels – Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 13th August 2012 -  A major welfare report has shown that Australia’s housing and homelessness services are stretched and unable to meet growing demand, with legal services hardest hit. The

NFPs To Benefit From Increased Spending On Legal Services

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th May 2012 -  Specialist Not for Profit legal service, PILCH Connect has secured a four year funding agreement with the Victorian Government. The funding mean Victoria’s Not for Profit…

New Cancer Legal Centre to Open in Melbourne

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th October 2011 -  A new Melbourne legal centre – employing up to six lawyers – will open in Victoria to work on tobacco-related litigation and policy development. The establishment of…

PilchConnect Contributes $4.3 Million to Victorian NFPs

Staff Reporter, Monday, 10th October 2011 -  Specialist legal service PilchConnect – which provides free legal assistance to Not for Profit organisations – had an economic impact of $4.3 million in the past financial…

Pro Bono Legal Work Hits Target

Staff Reporter, Friday, 7th October 2011 -  Signing up to an aspirational target is increasing the number of hours of pro bono legal work performed by Australian lawyers, according to a report from the National Pro Bono Resource…

Pro Bono Legal Support for Indigenous NFPs

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 23rd November 2010 -  A new legal support service will provide pro-bono legal advice for Not for Profit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations. LawHelp will give corporations registered…

Australian Charity Law Association Conference

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 22nd September 2010 -  A charity law conference keynote speaker, Justice Peter Young of the NSW Court of Appeal has called on charities to improve their communication with donors, particularly regarding…
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