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Tag : Legal

PIAC Launches Mental Health Legal Project

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 8th December 2009 -  PIAC established the project with funding support from Legal Aid NSW. The NSW Public Purpose Fund with the support of the NSW Attorney General has funded four service delivery pilot…

Launch of International Pro Bono Legal Group

Staff Reporter, Monday, 6th July 2009 -  The Federal Government has launched an International Pro Bono Advisory Group to promote international pro bono work by Australia’s legal profession and identify links with…

Pro Bono Lawyers Project

Staff Reporter, Monday, 22nd June 2009 -  The Federal Government is to fund a project to help retired lawyers and lawyers taking a break from their careers to become involved in pro bono legal work. Funding of $40,000 will be…

Not for Profit Governance Accreditation – Exclusive Offer

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 25th March 2008 -  Enterprise Care, a company specialising in Not for Profit Governance, has developed a framework for Australian Not for Profits aimed at improving an organisation’s governance…

PILCH Moves Towards New NFP Legal Service

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th November 2007 -  The Public Interest Law Clearing House, PILCH, has moved a step closer to establishing a new specialist legal service for Not for Profit organisations by obtaining part funding from…

Federal Court Affirms Charity ‘Business’ Tax Status

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th November 2007 -  The full court of the Federal Court of Australia has upheld a decision made last November that a charity could raise money through business without paying company tax, as long as the…

Lawyers Sign Up for Annual Pro Bono Target

Staff Reporter, Monday, 7th May 2007 -  The National Pro Bono (Legal) Resource Centre has launched the National Pro Bono Aspirational Target which sees lawyers sign up to do a minimum of 35 hours of pro bono legal work each…

Reform Needed for Those With Family & Carer Responsibilities

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th March 2007 -  A new law protecting workers with family and carer responsibilities from discrimination and giving them a right to request flexible work arrangements is at the centre of a range of…

Legal Advice Seminars for Not for Profit organisations

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th February 2007 -  The Public Interest Law Clearing House (PILCH) coordinates the provision of pro bono (without fee) legal assistance by the private legal profession for disadvantaged individuals…

PILCH Reviews Legal Services to NFPs + New Consumer Law Courses

Staff Reporter, Monday, 29th January 2007 -  The Public Interest Law Clearing House (PILCH) is reviewing the pro bono legal services it currently provides to Not for Profit organisations and looking at what additional services…

Just Search’ For Legal Information

Staff Reporter, Monday, 25th September 2006 -  Just Search is a new on-line search tool developed to help access information about law and justice issues experienced by socially and economically disadvantaged people. Just Search

Campaign to Promote New Family Law System

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th June 2006 -  A multimillion dollar public information campaign has begun to help explain to Australian families a raft of new services and changes to the family law which take effect from 1 July…
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