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Tag : NFPs


Why Our Attitude to Giving is Taking Away From NFPs

John Carroll, Thursday, 4th October 2018 -  Aussies have long prided themselves on taking care of those in need, but our traditional thinking and old-fashioned attitudes could spell the end of many charities and human service

NFP Engagement Enters the Connected Era

Contributor, Tuesday, 28th August 2018 -  In the age of personalisation and trust, charities should use technology to build sustainable donation models and drive new levels of transparency, writes Davinder Mann, the APAC

NFPs Urged to Focus on Purpose

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 7th August 2018 -  Not for profits need to do a better job focusing on their purpose, in order to effectively measure outcomes and communicate achievements to stakeholders, leading social sector voices

NFP Directors More Actively Engaged in Culture

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 31st July 2018 -  Not-for-profit directors in 2018 are more actively engaged in monitoring, measuring and leading culture in their organisations, according to new survey findings. The Australian


How to Find the Right Mix Of Skills at Board Level to Drive Success

Richard Green, Monday, 28th May 2018 -  Not for profits are struggling to find the right mix of skills at board level writes NGO Recruitment director Richard Green, who offers five steps to recruit the right board for your


Eyes On the Road or Hands Off the Wheel

Oliver May, Monday, 21st May 2018 -  Is your NFP up to speed on Australia’s new anti-bribery legislation? Oliver May from Deloitte Australia outlines what some of the changes mean and what NFPs should do now. I once visited

NFPs Turning to Social Enterprise to Overcome Funding Challenges

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 27th March 2018 -  Australian not for profits are looking to overcome funding and resourcing challenges by establishing a social enterprise, a new insights report has found.  CommBank’s Not-for-Profit

NFP Sector Failing To React to Increasing Community Expectations

Luke Michael, Thursday, 1st March 2018 -  Charities have failed to understand and react to increasing community expectations placed on them, according to a panel discussion on declining trust in the not-for-profit sector.

Choosing the Right Job Title Vital for NFP Recruitment

Luke Michael, Thursday, 16th November 2017 -  Choosing the right job title is “very important” for not-for-profit organisations to attract the right candidates to a position, according to a leading not-for-profit recruitment

Project Looks to Boost Renewable Energy Use at NFPs

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 14th November 2017 -  A new program is set to be launched in Melbourne, which will enable not-for-profit organisations to install and benefit from renewable energy systems. The project is a collaboration

Beyond the Program Epitaph

David Crosbie, Thursday, 28th September 2017 -  Across Australia there are many beacons of excellence, lighthouse programs showing the way in so many communities. Unfortunately, most will not last, writes Community Council

Majority of NFPs Are Not Believed to be Well-Run, According to New Survey

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 12th September 2017 -  A survey of the not-for-profit sector has found that less than one-third of respondents believed most NFPs are well-run, while only 14 per cent believed NFPs are adequately investing
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