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Tag : Government

Banks Urged to Be More Sympathetic in Economic Downturn

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th February 2009 -  Australian Banks should be required to be more sympathetic to individuals and families now in mortgage stress due to sudden unemployment as a result of the global financial crisis.…

Philanthropy Australia’s Submission on Review of PPFs

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th January 2009 -  Philanthropy Australia has called for the minimum distribution rate of Prescribed Private Funds (PPFs) to be set at 5% in its submission to a Federal Government review of PPF regulations.…

Not for Profit Leadership Group Initiative

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th January 2009 -  Plans are being pushed ahead to form a National Leadership Group to represent all aspects of the Not for Profit Sector in its future discussions with the Federal Government in what…

Improving the Integrity of PPFs

Staff Reporter, Friday, 5th December 2008 -  The Federal Government has released a discussion paper to provide a point of reference for public submissions on the Government’s 2008 Budget commitment to improve the integrity…

Charity Safety Net for Rental Affordability Scheme

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st December 2008 -  The Rudd Government will introduce a transitional safety net to cover charities looking to participate in the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS). NRAS is part of the Rudd…

Improving the Integrity of PPFs

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st December 2008 -  The Federal Government has released a discussion paper to provide a point of reference for public submissions on the Government’s 2008 Budget commitment to improve the integrity…

Govt Launches Virtual Children’s Hub

Staff Reporter, Monday, 3rd November 2008 -  The Federal Government has launched – a virtual children’s hub for parents and carers which provides access to important health, early learning, child…

New Climate Change Study for Indigenous Communities

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 11th September 2008 -  The Rudd Government is to embark on a new study a study to assess how climate change will impact on Indigenous communities in northern Australia Minister for Climate Change and Water,…

Government Announces Compact Expert Panel

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 11th September 2008 -  An executive from the Not for Profit sector and a senior public servant will co-chair the Federal Government’s expert panel set up to develop a National Compact with Australia’s Not…

Government Moves on Volunteer Petrol Money

Staff Reporter, Friday, 5th September 2008 -  The Federal Government has moved on its election promise to provide petrol money for volunteers by calling for funding applications. Not for Profit organisations can receive up…

Government Announces Compact Expert Panel

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 3rd September 2008 -  An executive from the Not for Profit sector and a senior public servant will co-chair the Federal Government’s expert panel set up to develop a National Compact with Australia’s…

NFPs Force Rudd Govt’s Hand Over Tax Changes

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th June 2008 -  The Rudd Government has made an 11th hour bid to prevent changes to fringe benefits taxes from disadvantaging charity and community workers. The Government will move urgent amendments…
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