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Tag : Collaboration

Are Strong, Sustainable Not For Profits Just A Pipedream?

Andrew Cairns, Tuesday, 10th April 2018 -  Innovation, collaboration and financial control are key to ensuring strong, sustainable not for profits in today’s world, writes Community Sector Banking CEO Andrew Cairns. Australian

‘Audacious’ Philanthropic Model to Power Impact at Scale

Wendy Williams, Monday, 9th April 2018 -  A new model for philanthropic collaboration has been launched by not for profit TED, inspiring commitments of US$250 million from sector leaders to power bold ideas for impact-at-scale.

How High is your ‘CQ’? – More Collaborative Intelligence is Needed

John Butcher, Thursday, 30th November 2017 -  Effective collaboration requires a special kind of emotional intelligence, or “collaborative intelligence” (CQ), but differences in organisational culture can encourage or

Collaboration the Key to Community Volunteering Success

Jayne Mayer Tucker, Tuesday, 18th July 2017 -  As the question of volunteer funding remains under the microscope, collaborative and groundbreaking research is underway to assess the impact of a community volunteer home visiting

Lead Your Collaborations To Success

Contributor, Tuesday, 20th June 2017 -  Join Social Leadership Australia for a two day Art & Skill of Collaboration Masterclass. Collaboration seems to be the magic word. We often hear “collaboration” talked about


The Top Five Collaborative Trends Getting Traction

Kerry Graham, Thursday, 1st June 2017 -  Across Australia there are more than 75 initiatives using collaboration to achieve large-scale impact. While they all have their differences, Collaboration for Impact founder

Concern as UK Charities Lack Strategic Direction and Collaboration

Rachel McFadden, Monday, 29th May 2017 -  Charities that are trying to be a jack-of-all trades are doing so to their own detriment, a new UK report has found. A report from New Philanthropy Capital (NPC), which surveyed 300…

Leadership Program Shows Collaboration in Action

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 13th April 2017 -  The for-profit and for-purpose sectors are being brought together to share knowledge and expertise in a bid to grow strong leadership skills. The Growth Project, a not-for-profit

Australian Charities Merge to Help Vulnerable Children

Ellie Cooper, Monday, 27th February 2017 -  Save the Children Australia and Hands on Learning Australia are joining forces to prevent disengaged children from dropping out of school. The merger, announced Monday, will see

NFP Mergers – Survivors are the Most Adaptable to Change

Paul Ronalds, Monday, 27th February 2017 -  To survive in an increasingly highly-competitive and resource-constrained market, the NGO sector must get creative and start working more closely together, writes Paul Ronalds


Mashup for Good – The Sharing Economy

Moira Deslandes, Tuesday, 20th December 2016 -  Not-for-profit organisations across Australia are part of the long-standing ethic of saving, sharing, and caring but there’s so much more to do in the collaborative economy, writes

NFP Panel Sets its Sights on Collaboration

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 14th April 2016 -  A collaborative panel made up of eight Not for Profit peak bodies and supported by philanthropic funding is spearheading projects aimed at building capacity in the aging, disability
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