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Tag : Corporate Volunteering

Sporting Stars for Corporate Hearts

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th June 2013 -  Young athletes with disabilities have hit a soft spot with the employees of Australia's corporate giants. As part of Workplace Giving Month, Reporter Nadia Boyce looks at corporate

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5 Strategies to Transform Your Corporate Volunteering Program

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th May 2013 -  As part of National Volunteering Week, Doug Taylor from United way highlights five strategies that corporations from across the world have used to transform their volunteer programs.…

Corporate Volunteering Delivers Leadership Development – Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 17th April 2013 -  The major benefit for participating companies in International Corporate Volunteerism (ICV) is skills and leadership development, an international conference on volunteering…


Impact Through Volunteering – Deepening Employee & Business Engagement

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 20th March 2013 - 
In a series of blogs, Corporate Partnerships Manager at United Way Gabrielle Kay explores the impact of corporate volunteering on three key stakeholders: employees as volunteers,

Creating Impact Through Volunteering

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th March 2013 -  In a series of blogs, Corporate Partnerships Manager at United Way Gabrielle Kay will explore the impact of corporate volunteering on three key stakeholders: employees as volunteers,

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Corporate Volunteering – the New Black in Team Building?

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 28th November 2012 -  Volunteering – is it the new black in corporate team building? asks Corporate Community Engagement Consultant, Kate Driessen in her latest Australian Charities Fund (ACF)

CPA Australia Joins Pro Bono Australia in Online Volunteering Initiative

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th May 2012 - 
Pro Bono Australia's Karen Mahlab and CPA's Eddie Ripard at the launch of the new partnership. Accounting and finance peak body, CPA Australia and Pro Bono Australia have…

The Business & Social Case for Corporate Volunteering – United Way

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th May 2012 - 
Photo courtesy United Way Australia United Way’s corporate volunteering program is producing great outcomes for the volunteers as well as the Not for Profits they give their…

Cash Contributions from Australian & NZ Companies Remain Static – LBG Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 6th March 2012 -  Australian and New Zealand companies delivered more than $259 million in total contributions to the community in 2011 focusing on health, education, young people and emergency…

Corporate Volunteering “Untapped” – Report on National Survey on Volunteering Issues

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 1st March 2012 -  Corporate volunteering is not being fully tapped, despite Not for Profit organisations and companies being able to see its value, according to Volunteering Australia’s…

One-week Makeover is ‘Mission Possible’ for Corporate Volunteers

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st February 2012 -  Mission Australia's drug rehabilitation service in WA is undergoing a one week makeover. Photo: supplied. It could be a script for a reality TV show but organisers of a corporate…

Toyota & Conservation Volunteers Partnership Finds $4.3 million in Social Benefits

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 31st January 2012 -  An assessment of a nine-year partnership between Conservation Volunteers Australia and car giant, Toyota Australia has found sustainable gains for the environment, community…
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