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Tag : Tasmania

Online Petition to Save ACNC

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th August 2013 -  A Victorian and Tasmanian-based Christian Church welfare organisation has begun an online petition to try to save the national charity regulator, the ACNC, from the Coalition’s…

Searching for Tassy Volunteer Stories

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th August 2013 -  Volunteering Tasmania is calling on Tasmanian volunteers, volunteer managers and those who benefit from their efforts to submit their most memorable volunteering moments…

Churchill Fellowships Announced

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 23rd July 2013 -  The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust has announced 109 recipients of 2013 Churchill Fellowships who are poised to boost their expertise by undertaking research projects throughout…

NFPs Celebrate Tasmanian Forests Agreement

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 2nd May 2013 -  Tasmania’s Parliament has passed the Tasmanian Forests Agreement into law in what is seen as a major victory for community and environmental groups.
Photo: epidemiks/Flickr

Volunteers Urged to Register Rights Violations

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 23rd April 2013 -  Volunteers across Australia are being urged to register rights violations or inappropriate treatment with their state-based peak body, to be added to a national database to develop…

NFP Takes on Tassie Unemployment

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd January 2013 -  Mission Australia is to tackle long term unemployment in Tasmania with the Not for Profit being awarded the contract to support 4,500 long term job seekers in the State. Mission Australia…

Volunteering Website Launched in Wake of Bushfires

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th January 2013 - 
Picture: Peter Mathew A new volunteering platform has been launched to allow organisations to register volunteering roles in Tasmania following the bushfires. Volunteering…

NFPs Launch Bushfire Appeals

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 9th January 2013 -  Not for Profit organisations have launched disaster relief appeals in response to the bushfire emergencies currently affecting communities in New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria.…

Tassie Volunteers Ageing ‘Dramatically’ – Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 5th December 2012 - 
The State of Volunteering Report Tasmania is available now.  A new report has revealed that while the number of volunteers in Tasmania is on the increase, the average age of volunteers…

Young People At Risk Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th November 2012 - 
 A new AIHW report finds links between social inclusion and issues of child abuse and homelessness.  A new report into children and young people at risk of social exclusion…

Future Proofing Tassie Volunteering

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 10th October 2012 - 
Volunteering Tasmania CEO Adrienne Picone speaking at the Future Focus Symposium, at the Old Woolstore in Hobart.
Photo supplied. 
Tasmania’s volunteer organisations…

Kids Betrayed by a Hershey Chocolate – NFP Scorecard

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th September 2012 - 
Photo: A Not for Profit ‘scorecard’ detailing chocolate companies’ efforts to address child and forced labour in cocoa production has found…
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