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Tag : Tasmania

Tassy Enviro Groups Grilled on Tax-Status

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 21st July 2015 -  Philanthropist and former Greens leader Bob Brown has been grilled about the work of his Foundation by a Parliamentary inquiry into the tax-free status of environmental groups.…

Tasmania’s Volunteer Peak Fights for Funding Survival

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 23rd April 2015 -  An Queensland organisation has been funded by the Department of Social Services to deliver volunteer services to Tasmania instead of the long-standing local peak body, the Senate…

Collective Impact’s $1m Search Finds Burnie

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 19th March 2015 -  Burnie, a small port city on the north west coast of Tasmania has been selected to receive up to $1 million of support from a pioneering group of funders who are backing a new approach…

Plan for Tassie as Asylum Seeker Processing Centre

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 11th November 2014 -  A plan developed by Tasmanian community leaders and human rights activists would see the island-state become Australia's asylum seeker processing centre. The Tasmania Opportunity…

Tassy Foundation To Fund Literature and Research

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 30th September 2014 -  A new Foundation has been launched to honor the memory of a noted Tasmanian, Dr Erica Bell along with $20,000 in awards for literature and medical research. The husband of the late Dr…

Conservation Foundation Appoints Top Gun as President

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 16th September 2014 -  Australian corporate leader and environmental activist Geoff Cousins AM has been appointed as President of one of the countries largest Not for Profit environmental lobby groups;…

Churches Call for Debate On Private Members Bill

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 2nd September 2014 -  The Australian Churches’ Refugee Taskforce is calling on Parliament to debate a Private Member's Bill tabled by Tasmanian Independent Andrew Wilkie to protect procedural…

Collaboration Needed to Address Youth Unemployment

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 26th August 2014 -  Not for Profits have called for a major collaboration between community, business and Governments to address the alarming increase in youth unemployment. The average Victorian…

Feds Urge Homelessness Agreement Sign On

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 8th July 2014 -  The Federal Government is urging South Australia and Tasmania to sign the 2014-15 National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH). Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews…

Legal Support for Those Going It Alone

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 24th June 2014 -  A new Federally funded program, which will support people representing themselves in Federal and Federal Circuit Courts in NSW, Victoria, ACT and Tasmania, is under construction…

Tasmania’s Disability Housing Demands Under the Spotlight

Staff Reporter, Friday, 31st January 2014 -  The housing needs and aspirations of people living with disability will be the focus of new research undertaken in Tasmania. The State Minister for Human Services, Rebecca White,…
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