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Tag : Education

Gonski Review Attacks Australian Schooling Quality and Urges Individualised Teaching Approach

Contributor, Monday, 30th April 2018 -  The damning report, Through Growth to Achievement, finds many Australian schools are “cruising, not improving”, writes political journalist and professorial fellow at the University

Findex Launches New Community Fund

Wendy Williams, Monday, 12th February 2018 -  A new community fund has been launched to create equal access to opportunity for people isolated by location or circumstances. The Findex Community Fund (FCF) will partner with charities

What Marketers Can Do to Raise the Bar for NFPs

Contributor, Tuesday, 6th February 2018 -  Not for profits can reap big from a solid marketing strategy. Here are five strategies that you can apply to raise the bar. Not-for-profit organisations (NFPs) pursue various causes

Am I heard? Am I seen? Am I able?

Jack Milne, Monday, 27th November 2017 -  It is time to recognise the importance of education and employment for young people with a disability, writes Jack Milne, the Royal Commonwealth Society’s Australian youth

Request for Tender for ParentsNext 2018-21 – Applications Now Open

Contributor, Thursday, 23rd November 2017 -  The federal government’s Department of Employment is seeking tender responses from organisations to deliver ParentsNext from July 2018. For many parents, particularly women,

Mainstream Schools Discourage Inclusion of Students with Disability

Luke Michael, Monday, 6th November 2017 -  A national survey of students with disability has revealed more than 70 per cent of students have experienced instances where their enrolment and inclusive participation in mainstream


Making Education Our Business

David Crosbie, Thursday, 3rd August 2017 -  If we want stronger communities, a more prosperous, productive and happier Australia, inclusive education must be a higher priority, writes David Crosbie CEO of Community Council

Calls to Redesign Education to Better Prepare Youth for Future Workforce

Rachel McFadden, Thursday, 27th July 2017 -  Young people need to be creative, entrepreneurial and committed to ongoing learning to face the biggest disruption to the world of work since the industrial revolution, a peak body

Different Does Not Mean Bad

Bill Gamack, Friday, 23rd June 2017 -  Senator Pauline Hanson’s comments that children with disability should be removed from mainstream classrooms could have a damaging impact on how disability is viewed in Australia,


The Policy Problem: The NDIS and Implications for Access to Education

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 7th February 2017 -  Despite the policy priority across OECD countries of increasing lifelong learning opportunities, fragmented NDIS policy in Australia prevents people with disability from achieving

Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day

Wendy Williams, Monday, 30th January 2017 -  Ian Steel OAM is the founder and CEO of KickStart for Kids, a not-for-profit organisation that helps school children achieve positive educational and self-esteem outcomes through
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