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Tag : Renewable energy

Renewable Projects to Turbo-Charge Innovation – NFP

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 2nd June 2016 -    Energy sector Not for Profit, Community Power Agency (CPA) has welcomed the ALP’s re-commitment to spend almost $100 million on creating up to 10 community power hubs saying

Renewable Energy is a Jobs Rich Industry

Wendy Williams, Monday, 30th May 2016 -    A Not for Profit organisation dedicated to growing the community energy sector in Australia has claimed renewable energy is a jobs rich industry. The Community Power Agency

Senate Calls for Wind Farm Crackdown

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 4th August 2015 -  A Senate committee set up to investigate the potential health impacts of wind turbines has recommended that the Federal Government be able to force states to abide by noise and infrasound…

Thousands of Renewable Energy Jobs at Risk

Xavier Smerdon, Monday, 13th July 2015 -  A “war” on renewable energy by the Abbott Government could endanger thousands of jobs, according to the Opposition. Shadow Minister for Environment, Mark Butler,…
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