The Australian Tax Office has released a new version of its Income Tax Guide for Not for Profit organisations in preparation for the start of the Australian…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 3rd July 2012 -
Opinion: In the tax-time donation appeal flurry, community investment expert Phil Hayes-St Clair says all this activity begs the question: is making a donation simple?
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 8th December 2011 -
The Australian Tax Office has issued a warning over concerns about charity donation arrangements that have been found to be tax avoidance schemes and issued new guidelines.
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd November 2011 -
The Australian Tax Office has delivered a new ruling on its view of charities following recent court decisions, forcing it to deliver an interim definition of ‘charity’.…
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th October 2011 -
The Australian Tax Office has released a checklist to help Not for Profit organisations with their tax and superannuation affairs.
The Self-governance checklist for Not for Profit…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th October 2011 -
The Australian Not for Profit sector is calling on participants at the National Tax Forum to work together on finding solutions to housing affordability, ageing population, workforce…
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th September 2011 -
The Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS) has urged participants to the October Tax Forum to remember that the point of the tax system is social equity and stability.
VCOSS has…
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th September 2011 - Tax not only affects the work of the community sector, but the sector itself. After years of inactivity, it’s now facing significant tax reform and the devil may be in the detail,…
Cassandra Goldie, Thursday, 15th September 2011 - Why does tax reform matter to the community sector, beyond that it allows sufficient revenue to be raised for programs and services? Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) …
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 25th August 2011 -
Specialist Not for Profit legal service, PilchConnect and Melbourne University’s Law School have joined the growing disquiet about the Federal Government’s draft…