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Tag : Tax

New rules for not-for-profit tax reporting “need to be re-evaluated”

Samantha Freestone, Friday, 19th August 2022 -  A leading industry figure and tax expert warns there are multiple issues with in-coming tax reporting changes for not for profits, which take effect from July next year. A lack of consultation

Exclusive: “Unfinished business” for not for profit tax system

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 17th August 2022 -  One of the authors of a landmark 2013 report on taxation of the not for profit sector has called the recommendations “unfinished business” and says the sector has stalled without the

New income tax reporting requirements for not for profits

Samantha Freestone, Tuesday, 16th August 2022 -  New income tax reporting requirements will come into play in 2023 and affect up to 140,000 organisations. Is yours one of them?  From July next year there will be different income tax

How does government debt affect social purpose organisations?

Neil Pharaoh, Wednesday, 27th April 2022 -  Federal government debt is on track to hit $1 trillion in coming years. As election sparring heats up, both major parties claim they’re best to manage it. But how does debt affect the

The social implications of salary packaging cards

Contributor, Wednesday, 2nd June 2021 -  Not for profits with a charitable intention have tight operational budgets. However, thanks to salary packaging concessions, they can offer competitive remuneration to the private

A fairer tax system?

Joe Zabar, Tuesday, 4th June 2019 -  However you look at it, $158 billion in forgone revenue from the government’s ambitious tax cut program will impact the government’s capacity to meet the needs of Australians, writes

‘In Australia’ – What Does It Mean and How Does It Affect You?

Contributor, Thursday, 27th September 2018 -  The definition of “in Australia” could have a significant impact on whether a not for profit continues to qualify for DGR status, writes Mariana von Lucken from HLB Mann Judd Sydney.


A Dose of Reason, Perspective and Clarity

Mark Fowler, Friday, 3rd August 2018 -  Mark Fowler, a partner at Prolegis Lawyers, makes the case against reform in the debate around charity advocacy. There has been a lot of recent interest in the Australian Charities

Canadian Court Protects Charities’ Political Activity

Paul Carter, Monday, 23rd July 2018 -  A Canadian court’s decision protecting the tax benefits and political activity of a particular charity could inform debate in Australia on charitable advocacy, politics and regulation.


The Budget – Beyond Economic Units

David Crosbie, Thursday, 10th May 2018 -  The 2018 federal budget is about winning a contest and getting re-elected writes David Crosbie, CEO of the Community Council for Australia. When I listened to the prime minister and…

Calls for Evidence As UK Takes First Look at Charity Tax Reliefs in 20 Years

Wendy Williams, Monday, 19th March 2018 -  The UK Charity Tax Commission has put out a public call for evidence on whether the tax treatment of charities needs to be reformed for the first time in two decades. According to the

Advancement of Religion as Charitable Purpose In Question

Wendy Williams, Friday, 15th December 2017 -  Whether the advancement of religion should be considered a charitable purpose is coming under scrutiny in Victoria. Victorian Upper House MP, Fiona Patten read a bill in the Victorian
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