Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th July 2014 -
Fellowships, worth up to $20,000, are on offer to those doing research and projects that expand and enhance Melbourne’s reputation as a centre of knowledge excellence.
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd July 2014 -
Child welfare agency Anglicare Victoria has issued a public apology over claims of abuse of young children in its care, saying it is devastated by the incidents highlighted in the…
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th June 2014 - For many people in the community facing life’s challenges, their web of social connections can be threadbare, writes Fiona McLeay, CEO of Justice Connect.
It’s interesting…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd June 2014 -
Global civil society has called on the G20 to tackle endemic corruption, confront the challenges of climate change and urgently address what it describes as the social and economic…
ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie has called on the Federal Government to show global leadership in reducing youth unemployment and achieving inclusive growth, in her address
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 19th June 2014 -
Global civil society will come together in Melbourne from tomorrow for the C20 Summit – the first of the lead-in G20 ‘satellite’ conferences to debate policy…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th June 2014 -
The gap between the richest and poorest Australians is worsening, according to an Oxfam Australia poll and confirmed in a report by Australia21 in collaboration with The Australia…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th June 2014 - Sector reform and its impact on disadvantaged community members was on the agenda at a recent symposium attended by more than 20 faith-based organisations, writes Julie Edwards,…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 16th June 2014 -
Socially vulnerable people are being put at increasing risk due to a lack of planning around their needs during disasters and emergencies, Victorian Council of Social Service has…
Staff Reporter, Friday, 6th June 2014 - Former lawyer and Not for Profit founder Tracey Sawyer’s travels and career has led her to more than 80 countries and to the place she now calls her second home – Tanzania. Sawyer…