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Tag : Royal Commission

Church Looks to Change Culture on Child Abuse

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 25th June 2013 -  The Catholic Church’s newly formed advisory group, set up to take the lead throughout the Royal Commission into child abuse, says it must examine the culture which has allowed…

BUDGET: Funding for Royal Commission into Child Abuse

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 15th May 2013 -  The Federal Budget has provided $434.1 million over four years from 2012-13 to support the work of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The Government…

Community Legal Aid for Child Abuse Royal Commission

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 3rd April 2013 -  The Federal Government is to fund community legal centres to assist those wanting to tell their stories to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Assault…

Legislation to Assist Royal Commission

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th February 2013 -  The Federal Government has introduced legislation to amend the Royal Commissions Act 1902 to assist the workings of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual…

Consultation Paper on Royal Commission Released

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 20th November 2012 -  The Federal Government has released a consultation paper on the Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse, announced last week by the Prime Minister. The…

NFPs To Be in Royal Commission Spotlight

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th November 2012 -  Not for Profits are to be included in the broad scope of the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse in Australia. The acting Federal Families Minister, Brendan O’Connor says…

Vic Government Increases Resources to Child Abuse Inquiry

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th July 2012 -  The Victorian Government has been forced to provide additional resources for a Parliamentary Inquiry into the handling of child abuse by non-government organisations after growing…
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