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Tag : Health

2011 Organ Donations at Record High

Staff Reporter, Monday, 16th January 2012 -  More than 1000 Australian lives were saved or improved through organ transplants in 2011, the Parliamentary Secretary for Health and Ageing, Catherine King has announced. “In…

India’s Polio Success a Major Milestone for Global Health

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 11th January 2012 -  Friday will mark a significant milestone in the global fight against polio – it will be a year since the last case of wild poliovirus was detected in India. What makes the feat…

Heart Foundation Welcomes Studies on Depression, Aboriginal Cultural Issues

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th January 2012 -  Depression, social isolation and lack of support can lead to greater vulnerability to heart problems according to new research released by an international research team led by…

Can Fitness Beat the Blues for Older Australians?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th November 2011 -  Flickr Image  Some rights reserved by mrlins   New research hopes to discover if jumping on a treadmill holds the key to reducing depression…

Federal Grants ‘More Generous Than Expected’

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 18th October 2011 -  The latest round of medical research grants were announced yesterday – with studies investigating diabetes and kidney disease in Aboriginal children and their mothers among…

Health & Medical Research Philanthropy Under the Spotlight

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 11th August 2011 -  Not for Profit and community leaders, business and medical researchers are coming together for the first time in Sydney this month to look at how to best work together to build a stronger…

Trial Project to Assist Vulnerable Children

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 16th June 2011 -  A new tool to assess the health, well-being and needs of vulnerable children will be trialed in four locations across Australia following recommendations from the Not for Profit…

Australia’s Biggest Health Survey Begins

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd March 2011 -  The Australian Bureau of Statistics is about to start the biggest health survey ever conducted in Australia in conjunction with the National Heart Foundation. The first Australian…

Grants for Men’s Sheds

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 16th February 2011 -  The humble backyard shed has long been revered as a special place by Australian men, but the potential for the shed to create connections and provide support for older and disadvantaged…

Biggest Ever Australian Health Survey

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 12th May 2010 -  The health of Australians will be getting its most comprehensive check-up ever, with the announcement of the Australian Health Survey. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)…

Health Pressures Skyrocket in Intergenerational Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 3rd February 2010 -  Australia faces significant intergenerational challenges of an ageing population, escalating pressures in the health system and climate change according to the Federal Treasury’s…

Low Immunisation Figures Puts Communities At Risk

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st January 2010 -  Rapidly declining immunisation rates in Australia are putting communities at risk of pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella and swine flu, especially as the school year is about to…
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