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Tag : Philanthropy

Innovative social enterprise hub is on the right track

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 1st September 2020 -  The initiative has the potential to generate $4.6 million in social value in its first year An ambitious plan to build a social enterprise hub in shipping containers under one of Melbourne’s

Philanthropy strategies when funding family violence during COVID

Teresa Zolnierkiewicz, Monday, 31st August 2020 -  Many philanthropists recognise that family violence is an area of intense need right now, but they often have limited understanding as to how to effectively respond, writes Teresa

We need to talk about racism in philanthropy

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 20th August 2020 -  Structural racism is not a new issue in Australian philanthropy. But it’s not an issue that people like to openly talk about. Now, some want that to change.   Back in July, Prashan Paramanathan,

If data is 21st century oil, could foundations be the right owners?

Contributor, Monday, 17th August 2020 -  Foundation ownership in the data sector may sound like a wild idea at first. Yet foundations and their predecessors have played the role of purpose-driven owners of critical assets

Philanthropy leaders share insights into funding intentions and directions

Julia Keady, Thursday, 2nd July 2020 -  Watch the highlights from a two-part live show with five philanthropy sector leaders. Over a two-part series on “Philanthropy directions and intentions during and post COVID-19”,

Back to the future – philanthropy helps to feed Australians

Emma Sakellaris, Wednesday, 24th June 2020 -  Grassroots charities rely on consistent grants through charitable foundations, structured giving and bequests – with philanthropy looking to focus on “whole society” issues,

Look how far we’ve come: Philanthropy

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 4th June 2020 -  “[We] are now starting to really celebrate and acknowledge the importance of private philanthropy. It is a democratic asset… It’s been a game changer.” The past two decades

Australian philanthropy over 20 years: A timeline

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 4th June 2020 -  A lot can happen in two decades. Here we look back through 20 years of Pro Bono News’ philanthropy coverage and share some of the sector’s key moments. For an in-depth look at how the philanthropy

Look how far we’ve come

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 21st May 2020 -  It can be hard to spot moments of progress in the day to day. But change stands out over decades. As Pro Bono News celebrates its 20th birthday, we launch a series looking at how far the

COVID-19⁠: Five things philanthropists can do

Caitriona Fay, Monday, 30th March 2020 -  Caitriona Fay from Perpetual Limited shares ways that philanthropists can help address critical community needs in these challenging times. As governments and not-for-profit

Philanthropy giant pledges millions to help find coronavirus cure

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 23rd March 2020 -  It’s the first round of grants from the foundation to support COVID-19-related research  One of Australia’s wealthiest philanthropic foundations is giving out $9 million to universities

How philanthropy can help tackle the scourge of family violence

Emma Morgan, Tuesday, 17th March 2020 -  In the wake of the murders of Hannah Clarke and her young children, Emma Morgan from The FV Philanthropy Collaboration Project shares thoughts on the role philanthropy can play in
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