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Tag : UK

Charities to Raise Funds on London Stock Exchange

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 18th June 2014 -  An issuing platform enabling charities to take out loans through bonds listed on the London Stock Exchange has been launched in the UK. Retail Charity Bonds is a new UK organisation…

Australia to Learn from UK Experience of Poverty and Inequality?

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 22nd May 2014 -  UK philanthropic leader and author Julia Unwin will meet with Federal and State MPs including Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews on issues around poverty and inequality during…

‘Survivalist’ Charities Need to Step Up on Poverty Challenge

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 8th May 2014 -  It’s been claimed that too much emphasis is placed on the role of charitable giving and not enough on the structural nature of poverty and ways to combat it, in a hard hitting investigation…

Australia Ahead of UK in Gender-wise Philanthropy

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 1st May 2014 -  Australia is well ahead of the UK in forming civil-sector partnerships and placing a gender lens on philanthropy, visiting philanthropic campaigner Dame Julia Cleverdon said in…


Wales Shows the (Third) Way

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th April 2014 -  ANU policy analyst John Butcher looks at a “fine example” of how executive government, the public sector and the Not for Profit sector can work collaboratively in the

Aus Inquiry Urged to Promote Social Investment

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 9th April 2014 -  Social sector advocates are urging the Federal Government to look at new ways to promote social investment in Australia as part of its inquiry into the financial system.   In…

Corporate Mentoring for NFP CEOs

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th March 2014 -  A new Australian organisation has been set up to provide Not for Profit CEOs with one-on-one mentoring opportunities with successful corporate leaders, including board members…

Profiling the Sharing Economy

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th March 2014 -  A new report from the US has mapped the emerging ‘collaborative economy’ movement – warning corporates that they need to understand this trend of consumers sharing…

Confusion Over Paid Charity Workers Remains – Poll

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th March 2014 -  The public is happy to see charity shop managers draw a salary, but confusion remains over who is paid in charities, new UK research reveals. A poll, carried out by UK research consultancy…


Privatising The Royal Mail – Lessons for Australia Post?

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 12th March 2014 -  If the Commonwealth Government is intent on selling off Australia Post, then one of the lessons from the UK experience is to make sure that the Australian taxpayer is not short changed,

What the UK Public Thinks About Its Charities

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 11th March 2014 -  New research has revealed that a third of the UK public says its views towards charities have become more positive in the last three years, compared with a quarter who are now more negative.…
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