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Tag : World Vision

Masterchef Spoof Highlights Global Poverty

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th August 2010 -  Compassion Australia has spoofed the wildly popular Masterchef program in their latest advertisement, drawing attention to the 1.4 billion people around the world who live on less…

NFP Embraces Viral Marketing, The Old Spice Way

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 28th July 2010 -  The incredible success of Old Spice ‘The man your man could smell like’ advertising campaign has spilled over into the Not for Profit sector, with international aid…

Not for Profits Question ‘Citizens’ Assembly’

Staff Reporter, Friday, 23rd July 2010 -  International Aid organisation, Oxfam Australia claims Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s announcements on climate change further cements Australia’s position as…

East Timor No Solution – World Vision

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th July 2010 -  Australia’s largest aid agency, World Vision has urged the Gillard Government to immediately provide details on its plan to establish a regional processing centre for asylum…

World Poverty Priorities Slipping Despite Federal Budget Funding Boost

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 12th May 2010 -  The Federal Budget's increase to Australia’s overseas aid program of an extra half a billion dollars for 2010/2011 has been welcomed by aid agencies but they are concerned…

NFPs Awarded for Best Practice Reporting

Staff Reporter, Monday, 10th May 2010 -  World Vision has been declared the winner of the third annual Australian PwC Transparency Awards, with judges praising entrants for the continuing improvement in the quality and…
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