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Best of 2017 Masterclass

Date: 11 December 2017 at 08:00 am Presenter: Pro Bono Australia Run time: 5 x 60 minute sessions Location: Online Materials Price: $0 (in AUD)

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Consisting of Pro Bono Australia’s most popular and insightful webinars of 2017, this masterclass will arm you with new skills and fresh ideas to grow your impact-driven organisation in 2018. 

T​he Best of 2017 Masterclass is the learning boost you​ and others in your organisation need to build your capacity for only $130 (and you ​can do all this lying flat on your back!)

We want to spread the joy to as many people as we can, so our Masterclass is an all-inclusive bundle of a variety of topics for the whole organisation; 

  • Financial Literacy
  • The Big Unknowns: Understanding Private Philanthropic Funds
  • Measuring Social Impact
  • Volunteer Management
  • PLUS; Branding Guidelines: Create Raving Fans

Curated specifically for not-for-profit organisations, each presenter brings a wealth of experience, expertise and ideas to ​fuel you up​ ​for 2018​. 

You’ve got until the end of January to purchase the best value Masterclass we’ve ever offered. This Masterclass is valued at $250 – plus a bonus $75 value in webinar books – and we’re only charging $1​30.​

What does the Masterclass include?

The Masterclass is an instant permanent download of audio and video recordings, slide decks and webinar books for each webinar. The webinar book is a tool designed to ensure your learnings last. 

Purchasing a ticket for this masterclass will provide you with a permanent download of materials for:

Financial Literacy: Cutting Through the Numbers 

Presented by Alan Sweeney and Neil Morgan, this webinar will help you and your organisation to have a better understanding of:

  • income statements, balance sheets and how they interact;
  • the difference between cash and profit; 
  • how to use ratios.

The Big Unknowns: Understanding Private Philanthropic Funds 

The expert panel, Simon Lewis, Meghan Weekes and Ruth Johnstone, will give you valuable insight into:

  • characteristics and diversity of private philanthropic funds;
  • rationale behind funding decisions;
  • how to best identify and approach PPFs.

Measuring Social Impact

Presented by Taimur Siddiqi, Director of The Incus Group, this webinar will address: 

  • how to get started on measuring social impact;
  • how to demonstrate and communicate the change you create;
  • how to utilise impact measurement data to improve performance and advocate.

Volunteer Management: Reasearch, Trends and Guidance for Not For Profits

Presented by international expert Tobi Johnson, this webinar help you make make clear benchmarks based on the latest research by covering:

  • Overview & Research Methodology
  • Key Data & Findings
  • Recommendations for NFP CEOs and Executive Directors
  • Q&A

Branding Guidelines for NFPs | Create Raving Fans 

Our expert presenter, Luke Faccini, will unpack the process of creating a purposeful brand by:

  • identifying and articulating the values in your organisation;
  • using these values to evolve your brand culture;
  • creating a culture of effective storytelling.


Seen one but not the other? Not a problem! You can purchase the individual Post Webinar Packs via the links above. 


Pro Bono Australia

Pro Bono Australia

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