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Tag : Analysis


Are you burnt out at work? Ask yourself these four questions

Contributor, Friday, 7th June 2019 -  Michael Musker, senior research fellow at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, takes a look into what burnout at work looks like, and how you can deal with it,


Progress is Slow in Measuring Social Impact

Andrew Callaghan, Monday, 7th January 2019 -  There is a disconnect between government and the social sector around measuring social impact, writes Australian Social Value Bank impact specialist Andrew Callaghan, who explains


IT Measures to Accommodate the Notifiable Data Breach Scheme

Ian Patterson, Monday, 12th November 2018 -  IT strategy expert Ian Patterson outlines a number of IT measures not for profits can take to prevent sensitive data breaches from occurring, and offers his tips for organisations


New Brooms: How Younger Givers Are Changing Family Philanthropy

Fiona Higgins, Wednesday, 12th September 2018 -  Social change requires new blood and fresh perspectives on what has previously been tried, and younger givers could deliver a much-needed “new broom” to a family’s philanthropy,


Disability Workers Are Facing Longer Days With Less Pay

Contributor, Thursday, 5th April 2018 -  Under the tight pricing arrangements of the National Disability Insurance Scheme disability support workers are facing excessive unpaid overtime and unfair pay, write Fiona Macdonald,


Where’s The Map? Navigating Australia’s Housing and Aged Care Systems

Contributor, Thursday, 22nd March 2018 -  For older people who are in housing stress and in need of aged care services, they have two disparate systems – both confusing individually, let alone together – to navigate, write


The Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme And NFPs: Learning From The Past

Contributor, Thursday, 22nd February 2018 -  With the arrival of a mandatory Notifiable Data Breaches scheme in Australia, Demetrio Zema and Bea Stathy from Law Squared explain how not for profits can ensure they are compliant


How Repealing the Johnson Amendment Could Change the Game for Nonprofits

Contributor, Thursday, 8th February 2018 -  The Johnson Amendment is a provision in the U.S. tax code that prohibits not-for-profit organisations from endorsing or opposing political candidates. Repealing the amendment


Not-for-Profit Sector and the EU-Australia Relationship

Melissa Conley Tyler, Thursday, 30th March 2017 -  The EU-Australia relationship is not just about trade but the big issues impacting our world, and it’s crucial that a range of voices are heard, including those from the not-for-profit…


Successfully Engaging Volunteers – The St John Ambulance Experience

Rob McManus, Monday, 20th March 2017 -  For volunteer-based organisations, rapidly changing technology means not-for-profit organisations have no choice but to adapt, writes Rob McManus from St John Ambulance in Victoria.


What’s in a Name and What’s the Alternative

Phil Butler, Monday, 6th March 2017 -  While the term “not for profit” does not do the sector justice, the alternative terms are not any better, according to Phil Butler from the Australian Institute of Company Directors.


Social Innovation – the Last and Next Decade

Geoff Mulgan, Monday, 20th February 2017 -  Social innovation is not a new concept or practice, but in the last decade it has taken off. Geoff Mulgan, the CEO of UK innovation foundation Nesta, outlines 10 challenges and priorities…
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