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Tag : Australian Greens

The federal election campaign is over: what did we learn?

Lex La Sala, Thursday, 26th May 2022 -  For communicators, the federal election campaign trail highlighted the tactics that work and those that don’t. Account director at Fifty Acres Lex La Sala shares her reflections

Sector pays tribute to Greens senator Rachel Siewert

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 30th August 2021 -  The Western Australian senator will retire from politics at the next federal election after 16 years of service  Social sector leaders are paying tribute to Rachel Siewert, whose

Political Parties Argue Plans to Extend Cashless Debit Card

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 6th December 2017 -  Federal plans to extend the controversial trial sites of the cashless debit card have resulted in a dispute between the government, Labor and the Greens about the location and ongoing

Senate Vote to Increase Income Support Payments Fails

Lina Caneva, Monday, 14th August 2017 -  The Senate has voted against an increase to the Newstart and Youth Allowance payments by $110 a fortnight, with Labor voting with the Coalition to defeat the bill presented by the Australian…

Senate Inquiry into Centrelink’s Auto-Debt Recovery System

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 9th February 2017 -  The Greens and Labor have secured support for a Senate inquiry into the government’s controversial Centrelink automated debt recovery system. “The automated debt recovery system

Greens To Support Environmental Advocacy

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 8th June 2016 -  The Australian Greens Party has launched its environment policy announcing a $2.6 billion plan to include a new independent watchdog and a commitment to stop any future government

Senate Told of Centrelink ‘Debacle’

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 2nd February 2016 -  Details of hundreds of Centrelink complaints have been read to the Senate by WA Greens Senator Rachel Siewert after they were posted on her Facebook page late last week. Senator Siewert…

Charity Regulator Safe for Now

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 10th February 2015 -  The CEO of the Community Council for Australia, David Crosbie has welcomed the Social Services Minister Scott Morrison’s move away from abolishing the national charity regulator,…

Senate Inquiry Begins Into Income Inequality

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 18th September 2014 -  The Senate Inquiry into the extent of income inequality in Australia begins public hearings in Melbourne today. Senator Rachel Siewert, Chair of the Community Affairs References…

Work for the Dole Scheme Threatens NFPs – Greens

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 31st July 2014 -  The Australian Greens have called for a rethink of the whole work for the dole program as its outcomes will put more pressure on Not for Profits. "Work for the dole punishes job…


McClure Review a Cause for Carers’ Concern

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 9th July 2014 -  The McClure Welfare Review’s interim report has revealed plans that could put more pressure on people with disability and carers, Australian Greens spokesperson on family

Senate to Scrutinise Australia’s Inequality

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 19th June 2014 -  A Senate Inquiry into inequality and the gap between Australia’s rich and poor will go ahead – a move that the Australian Greens says will open the door for a proper review…
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