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Tag : Brendan O'Connor

Audit’s an Assault on Low Paid Workers – Opposition

Staff Reporter, Monday, 5th May 2014 -  The Federal Opposition says the National Commission of Audit recommendation to slash the minimum wage is an assault on Australia’s lowest paid workers. As part of its 86 recommendations,…

Homelessness Crisis Still High – Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 18th December 2012 - 
Need for homelessness services is still high according to a new report.  Demand for crisis accommodation remains high in Australia, with specialist homelessness agencies…

Homelessness on Minister’s Agenda for US

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 11th December 2012 -  Federal Minister for Housing, Homelessness and Small Business Brendan O'Connor will use a trip to the US to develop ways to encourage Australia's corporate and private…

Journey to Social Inclusion – Homelessness Evaluation

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th December 2012 -  A new social inclusion project has found that tailored, intensive, long-term support can change the lives of Australians experiencing chronic homelessness. The report reveals…

Domestic Violence and Homelessness Links ‘Disturbing’ – Study

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th November 2012 - 
New research has linked domestic violence and homelessness.  One in two women who leave an abusive relationship will return to live with the perpetrator, sometimes returning…

Consultation Paper on Royal Commission Released

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 20th November 2012 -  The Federal Government has released a consultation paper on the Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse, announced last week by the Prime Minister. The…

Minister Urges States to Commit to Homelessness Deal

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th November 2012 -  The Federal Government has committed to providing half the funding of a one-year extension of the current National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH) while a new deal…

NFPs To Be in Royal Commission Spotlight

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th November 2012 -  Not for Profits are to be included in the broad scope of the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse in Australia. The acting Federal Families Minister, Brendan O’Connor says…

Indigenous “Homeless Away from Home”

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 30th October 2012 -  The seasonal mobility of aboriginal people is placing unexpected pressure on housing, social and education services in regional centres according to a new study. Minister for Housing…

Cost of Homelessness ‘Staggering’

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 24th October 2012 -  A study into the cost of homelessness in Australia has revealed the ‘staggering’ costs to the community of up to $5.5 million per person in health, legal and custodial…

Homelessness Services Achievement Awards

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 10th October 2012 - 
Australia's homelessness sector are to be recognised as part of World Homelessness Day. Photo: The achievements of Australia’s homelessness…

More Older Australians Homeless – Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 2nd October 2012 - 
A new report has found one-fifth of homeless Australians are over 55. Photo: One-fifth of homeless Australians are aged 55 and over and many more are living in precarious…
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