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Tag : Careers blog

Don’t let a confidence crisis get the best of you

Danielle Kutchel, Friday, 29th July 2022 -  What can you do to help when you feel a bit down on yourself at work? Had a rough week? Suffering a crisis of confidence at work? We all have those days – but if you don’t get it nipped

Leadership lessons from the year that was

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 17th December 2021 -  The past year has been a rollercoaster to say the least, but are there any lessons that can be carried into the new year? We take a look.  While we all carried a small amount of hope that

Wipe down that desk, it might be the key to your work-day success

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 10th June 2021 -  We share reasons why throwing out that old stack of papers will boost your productivity levels  While everyone has different working styles and different priorities when it comes

Got a tricky board on your hands? Here’s how you can deal with it

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 27th May 2021 -  We speak to Denis Moriarty AM, the managing director of Our Community, for some advice  As most charity CEOs will say, a good relationship with your board is one of the keys to running

Nine key skills social and sustainability leaders need post COVID

Contributor, Thursday, 20th May 2021 -  COVID-19 has changed many aspects of our life, and one of them is the way social economy leaders need to lead their organisations, writes Ingrid Messner.    COVID-19 has raised our

How to jump onto the purpose ship (without sacrificing your skillset)

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 6th May 2021 -  Are you looking for more meaning in your executive gig? We ask the experts on how you can get there.  It’s not uncommon for corporate executives to spend their day dreaming of a job with

Nooo… Not Networking

Marilyn Jones, Monday, 25th February 2019 -  Experienced recruiter Marilyn Jones reflects on the importance of networking and why it should be a key part of your job search strategy. Does the thought of networking make you go

Beware the ‘Would’

Marilyn Jones, Monday, 11th February 2019 -  When it comes to job interviews and showing you’re a star, preparation is key, writes experienced recruiter Marilyn Jones, in her latest blog. While you can’t prepare for all interview

A One Legged Race

Marilyn Jones, Monday, 28th January 2019 -  In her latest blog, experienced recruiter Marilyn Jones stresses the importance of getting your elevator pitch right and considers how best to answer the question “what do you do?”.

Recruiters Behaving Badly

Marilyn Jones, Monday, 14th January 2019 -  In her latest blog, experienced recruiter Marilyn Jones shines a light on bad recruiter behaviour. Recently, I heard more bad recruiter stories from candidates searching for new

Stone Throwing

Marilyn Jones, Monday, 10th December 2018 -  In her second blog providing advice for job seekers entering and moving within the social sector, experienced recruiter Marilyn Jones discusses how words can harm your chances.

Why Not Me?

Marilyn Jones, Monday, 26th November 2018 -  Each fortnight, experienced recruiter Marilyn Jones will be providing advice for job seekers entering and moving within the social sector. In her first blog, Marilyn Jones discusses
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