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Wipe down that desk, it might be the key to your work-day success

10 June 2021 at 3:35 pm
Maggie Coggan
We share reasons why throwing out that old stack of papers will boost your productivity levels

Maggie Coggan | 10 June 2021 at 3:35 pm


Wipe down that desk, it might be the key to your work-day success
10 June 2021 at 3:35 pm

We share reasons why throwing out that old stack of papers will boost your productivity levels 

While everyone has different working styles and different priorities when it comes to personal hygiene, if you’re looking to boost your productivity, it might be time to clean up your desk. 

Research has found that untidy workplaces mean employees are less efficient and are more likely to become easily distracted, costing businesses $2.5 million a year due to lost productivity. 

More importantly, in today’s current environment (COVID-19 anyone?), it’s essential for your own safety and the safety of your co-workers to keep your workspace sanitised to avoid the spread of germs and harmful bacteria. 

So, if you struggle to keep a tidy workspace, look no further, because we’ve rounded up some of the best and easiest ways to keep your desk looking nice and tidy at all times. 

Do a morning and night scan 

Instead of letting your workspace reach a crisis point, do a morning and afternoon scan. It doesn’t have to take long, but throwing out any unnecessary papers and giving it a quick once over with a disinfectant spray will mean that you are starting and ending your day in a state of calm. 

Sort out your papers 

If you’re constantly battling piles of paperwork that you never seem to be able to throw out, it might be time to set up a filing system. 

This doesn’t have to be particularly complicated either. Start with a junk tray that you sort through whenever you have time, and toss out what you don’t need. This can be hard, but sometimes being ruthless is the best policy, because let’s be real, are you actually going to need that copy of an email sent to you four years ago? Probably not. 

Get colourful 

If you’re struggling to find a system that works for you, colour coding your papers and folders can be a great place to start. You’ll find things faster if, say, all your invoices are in a red folder or all your project plans are in a blue folder. 

Keep your work and personal life separate 

It can be very easy to see your desk as a great place to store old tupperware containers or emergency pairs of shoes and jackets. While there’s nothing wrong with keeping a few personal items under your desk in case of emergency, make sure that at the end of the day or week you take these items home with you to avoid your desk becoming a second wardrobe. 

Maggie Coggan  |  Journalist  |  @MaggieCoggan

Maggie Coggan is a journalist at Pro Bono News covering the social sector.


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