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Tag : Change

The more things change…

David Crosbie, Thursday, 19th May 2022 -  Regardless of who wins the election this weekend, it is important to remember that government departments and agencies can be very resilient. If we expect them to change, we need to

Watering the seeds of change

David Crosbie, Thursday, 24th February 2022 -  While the charity sector continues to serve communities despite all the challenges, we should also take the time to recognise both what has been achieved and what lies ahead if we choose

The women’s march was a huge success. Now comes the hard part: how to actually get something done

Contributor, Thursday, 18th March 2021 -  Chris Wallace on some of the political realities we have to face in order to see real change happen. This week’s March 4 Justice protests saw tens of thousands of people take to the streets

Whatever happens in the US elections, the work ahead does not change

David Ritter, Thursday, 5th November 2020 -  It is time to think about the most effective thing that each of us can do next, according to our capacity, power and ability to leave the world a better place, writes David Ritter. If there

Data drives change

David Crosbie, Thursday, 23rd July 2020 -  If Australia’s charities are to be given further special consideration by government, business, donors and communities, we need to build a case for increased support based

Look how far we’ve come

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 21st May 2020 -  It can be hard to spot moments of progress in the day to day. But change stands out over decades. As Pro Bono News celebrates its 20th birthday, we launch a series looking at how far the


A new world is being born

David Ritter, Wednesday, 1st April 2020 -  In Australia, the politically, socially and economically unthinkable has become commonplace within a matter of days – and these changes will set the course for our future, writes

The NDIS: Why ‘Customer-Centricity’ Counts

Diana Ferner, Tuesday, 10th July 2018 -  The NDIS is presenting a huge change to the disability services ecosystem. So significant is it that the struggle to adapt and deliver at NDIS price points is pushing many organisations…

Stories to Determine the Future

Contributor, Thursday, 12th April 2018 -  The 2018 QCOSS State Conference Movement for Change will explore how we change the narrative and develop actions to create a movement for change. The stories we tell ourselves now

Turning Outward for Community-Wide Change

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 30th October 2014 -  A visiting US Collective Impact guru tells Pro Bono Australia News why he is urging Not for Profits to de-prioritise internal benchmarks – calling for them to instead take the
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