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Tag : Communications

How to lose audiences and frustrate people: Why avoiding toxic positivity is crucial

Lex La Sala, Thursday, 24th February 2022 -  Lex La Sala warns communicators on the dangers of opting for toxic positivity in their campaigns. In a world of socio-political unrest and extreme exhaustion, she says it’s important

Keeping calm and carrying on: When a PR crisis hits

Jo Scard, Tuesday, 26th October 2021 -  In a climate of political tussles and global health debates, bad PR has become a salient and standard part of our lives. Jo Scard explains how to navigate through the hurdles of a PR crisis

A good telco is finally here

Contributor, Thursday, 5th August 2021 -  A new, carbon neutral and ethical telco has been created specifically to help the not-for-profit industry do more of its world changing work.  The rise of social enterprises has finally

Engaging diverse audiences through inclusive communication benefits everyone

Jen Sharpe, Thursday, 29th April 2021 -  It’s smart business to know how to communicate to diverse audiences – it’s also great for social cohesion, write Jen Sharpe from Think HQ and Jessica Billimoria from CultureVerse.

Milkshakes and mistakes: How to avoid a cringey campaign

Richenda Vermeulen, Wednesday, 28th April 2021 -  Richenda Vermeulen shares her thoughts on the now infamous milkshake video and how government departments – and not for profits – could approach a sensitive campaign like this in

Disrupting a COVID-normal world and bracing for 2021: How do we ensure we are heard?

Lex La Sala, Thursday, 17th December 2020 -  Jo Scard discusses what breaking through in a fatigued climate will look like for not for profits and purpose-driven brands in 2021. You have heard it before – we are living in unprecedented

Building quality and safety in service delivery

Alan Hough, Tuesday, 11th August 2020 -  What is a just culture and how can it benefit an organisation? Alan Hough, from Purpose at Work, explains the approach and highlights some soft skills that can help executives in their

Coronavirus and charities: What the world needs now is less punditry and more practical ideas

Dan Geaves, Thursday, 26th March 2020 -  Dan Geaves shares some practical advice on how charities can adapt to this challenging new reality. I acknowledge that this is an extremely difficult time for Australian charities

Communications, COVID-19 and the not for profit CEO

Fran Connelley, Tuesday, 24th March 2020 -  Fran Connelley shares five communication tips to help the servant leader, whose main goal is to serve, in these challenging times. Before this week, I used to say the role of the CEO

New FIA short courses address skills gap in fundraising sector

Contributor, Thursday, 15th August 2019 -  Fundraising Institute Australia (FIA) is offering five new short courses this spring for professionals looking to broaden their skill sets as their roles evolve. With a growing

NGO Communications Launches Specialised Services for Australia’s Third Sector

Staff Reporter, Monday, 3rd April 2017 -  Newly established consultancy, NGO Communications, is aiming to assist Australia’s not for profits and non-government organisations (NGOs) as they navigate an increasingly

What Is a For-Purpose Brand Identity?

Staff Reporter, Monday, 13th February 2017 -  Michael McGann from skydesign discusses for-purpose brand identity. Contact Michael to find out how skydesign can help you to realise and communicate your brand’s identity. At
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