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Tag : Court

Canadian Court Protects Charities’ Political Activity

Paul Carter, Monday, 23rd July 2018 -  A Canadian court’s decision protecting the tax benefits and political activity of a particular charity could inform debate in Australia on charitable advocacy, politics and regulation.

Legal Aid Slams NFP Housing Groups

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 10th February 2015 -  Victoria Legal Aid claims Not for Profit community housing groups are not being held to the same standards as the Government, despite offering a publicly funded service. The claim…

Legal Support for Those Going It Alone

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 24th June 2014 -  A new Federally funded program, which will support people representing themselves in Federal and Federal Circuit Courts in NSW, Victoria, ACT and Tasmania, is under construction…

Court Action Over Disability Payment Scheme

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st January 2014 -  Lawyers for 10,000 intellectually disabled workers in Australia have sought a court order over the Federal Government’s latest payment scheme. Compensation law firm, Maurice…

Judge Caps Court Costs on Disability Case -PIAC

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 20th October 2010 -  A decision in the Federal Court is expected to have national ramifications for public interest litigants according to the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, PIAC. The Federal Court…
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