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Tag : Creative Partnerships Australia

Grants to Match Art Crowdfunding Campaigns

Staff Reporter, Friday, 23rd October 2015 -  Creative Partnerships Australia is offering matched funding for independent artists who have a project to fund with a crowdfunding campaign in mind. Applications are open to individual…

Matched Funding for Private Arts Philanthropy

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 11th August 2015 -  Australian artists and arts organisations have succeeded in raising more than $3 million in private sector support for projects and philanthropic partnerships which have been…

Budget Knocks Confidence – NFPs

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 14th May 2014 -  Not for Profit sector confidence remains low despite some positive Federal Budget measures, according to the Community Council for Australia.
“In tough times we need more,


Giving to a Fine Art

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th April 2014 -  A passion for the arts has taken Fiona Menzies from the halls of Federal Parliament through to the Not for Profit sector. Menzies is this week’s Changemaker. Menzies’…

Big Dollars Pumped into Crowdfunding Arts Pilot

Staff Reporter, Monday, 7th April 2014 -  A pilot program will inject $400,000 into the independent arts sector by matching funds raised through crowdfunding. The MATCH: Crowdfunding for the Independent Arts Sector pilot,…

Philanthropic Mentoring Program

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th February 2014 -  The Australia Council for the Arts and Creative Partnerships Australia have partnered in a mentoring program to build leadership in arts philanthropy. The program is offering up…

A Creative Approach to Arts Fundraising

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th September 2013 -  Australia’s first Federally supported matched funding program for the arts and creative industries, Plus1, has been launched by Creative Partnerships Australia. Creative…

Creative Partnerships Named

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 11th September 2013 -  What does a zoo, a circus and the opera have in common? They have been named as having outstanding relationships with business, the arts and donors as part of the Victorian Creative…

Creative Partnerships Australia Unveiled

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th February 2013 - 
Fiona Menzies Experienced Not for Profit manager, Fiona Menzies has been appointed as the first Chief Executive Officer of the new single agency set up to drive giving and investment…
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