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Big Dollars Pumped into Crowdfunding Arts Pilot

7 April 2014 at 10:13 am
Staff Reporter
A pilot program will inject $400,000 into the independent arts sector by matching funds raised through crowdfunding.

Staff Reporter | 7 April 2014 at 10:13 am


Big Dollars Pumped into Crowdfunding Arts Pilot
7 April 2014 at 10:13 am

A pilot program will inject $400,000 into the independent arts sector by matching funds raised through crowdfunding.

The MATCH: Crowdfunding for the Independent Arts Sector pilot, out of the federally funded arts resource hub Creative Partnerships Australia, will facilitate the creation of new artistic work by matching funds raised by independent artists via crowdfunding – dollar for dollar.

Funds of up to $4,000 raised via crowdfunding per artist, per project will be matched by Creative Partnerships Australia.

The program will assist up to 200 independent artists, as chosen by 17 independent arts organisations around Australia that will ensure that new work will be created across a variety of genres, in each state and territory. Organisations include a range of art forms, including visual arts (Westspace), Indigenous arts (Umi Arts) and theatre (Anywhere Theatre Festival), and were selected via a panel of arts industry and arts philanthropy experts.

The Lead Organisations were chosen based on their capacity to reach, influence and work collectively with artists across different art forms and geographic locations.

“Creative Partnerships recognises that independent arts organisations which operate at a grassroots level and which support emerging artists and art forms have traditionally had less access to funding than more traditional art forms,” Creative Partnerships Australia CEO Fiona Menzies said.

“We are therefore pleased to support this important creative sector through this new program, and look forward to seeing a diverse range of new artistic work in cities and regional areas across Australia as a result of MATCH.”

A total of up to $200,000 in matched funding will be granted via the program, totalling up to a combined $400,000 in social and matched investment.

The matched crowdfunding model aims to create new networks for financial investment for the independent arts sector, contributing to long-term sustainability for artists and for the industry.

“Creative Partnerships Australia’s innovative MATCH pilot program not only stimulates the creation of new artistic work by independent artists, but also encourages social investment as a new revenue stream, adding to the sector’s growth and longer term sustainability,” Menzies said.

“Given the success of our recent Plus1 program, which matched funds secured for business development by the arts sector, we know that the matched funding model, which doubles funds raised, provides a strong incentive for the public and donors to financially support the work of the arts sector.”

MATCH crowdfunding campaigns will run between April and June 2014.

Lead Organisations will liaise directly with artists in their networks regarding campaign opportunities, with MATCH crowdfunding campaigns to be promoted by the Lead Organisations and project creators via social media as they happen.

For more information, click here.

MATCH Lead Organisations are as follows:

ALASKA Projects (NSW)

Anywhere Theatre Festival (QLD)

Dancehouse (VIC)

Felt Space (SA)

Liquid Architecture (VIC)

Metro Arts (QLD)

PACT/Tiny Stadiums (NSW)

Proximity Festival (WA)


RAYGUN Contemporary Art Projects (QLD)

SITUATE Art in Festivals (TAS)

The Blue Room Theatre (WA)

The Mill – Studio (SA)

TiNA (This is Not Art) (NSW)

Umi Arts (QLD)

Watch This Space (NT)

West Space (VIC)


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